News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for papers] 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES
SDEWES Conference, to be held in Ohrid on July 1-6, 2012, is dedicated to the improvement and dissemination of knowledge on methods, policies and technologies for increasing the sustainability of development by de-coupling growth from natural resources and replacing them with knowledge based economy, taking into account its economic, environmental and social pillars, as well as methods for assessing and measuring sustainability of development, regarding energy, transport, water, environment and food production systems and their many combinations.
Types of papers sought
The papers must report original, previously unpublished findings in the fields of sustainable development of energy, transport, water, food and environment systems and policy. All papers will be reviewed under the direction of the International Scientific Committee by the Scientific Advisory Board. The abstracts and papers must be written in English. The papers with archival value (archival papers), meaning those that contribute significantly to the state of the art and report final results of research, with proper literature review, will be thoroughly reviewed and will be candidates for publication consideration in special issues of several archival journals. The papers that report work in progress, conventional projects without much contribution to the state of the art, and those lacking a thorough literature review, are invited as conference papers, and will receive less stringent review. Authors are invited to offer suggestion on classification of their papers as “archival” or “conference”, when submitting them.
Authors (corresponding author) willing to present a paper should submit an abstract in English, between 1500-2500 characters long.
Paper submission, presentation and deadline rules
Each paper to be published in online Proceedings and in special issues of journals will have to be presented at the Conference by one of the authors (presenting author). The papers will not be allowed to be presented by those who are not its authors. Each participating author will be obliged to present one paper orally at the Conference. Any additional papers by the same author will be presented in the poster sessions.
Types of contributions:
- archival paper (published in Book of Abstracts and online Proceedings, may be invited to a special issue, which are submitted and fee settled by February 15, 2012)
- conference paper (published in Book of Abstracts and online Proceedings, which are submitted and fee settled by June 15, 2012)
- conference abstract (published in Book of Abstracts, fee settled by June 15, 2012)
Types of presentation:
- oral presentation (presented in one of general or special sessions)
- poster presentation (presented in one of poster sessions)
The papers with archival value (archival papers), meaning those that contribute significantly to the state of the art and report final results of research, with proper literature review, will be thoroughly reviewed and will be candidates for publication consideration in special issues of several archival journals (among others Energy, Applied Energy, Management of Environmental Quality, Strojarstvo, Journal of Environmental Sciences and Health ...).
If you have any question please send it to:
Please refer to the conference website for more information:
From: 1 July 2012
To: 6 July 2012
- International; Other
- Republic of North Macedonia
- General
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on January 31, 2012
Modified on April 17, 2012