News archive - EUA Calls for Contributions for the 5th European Quality Assurance Forum
The 5th European Quality Assurance Forum, ‘Building bridges: making sense of QA in European, national and institutional contexts,’ will take place on November 18 – 20, 2010 and will be hosted by University Claude Bernard Lyon I, France.
The Forum, which has become increasingly successful since its beginnings, will once again be supported by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme and co-organised by the E4 Group: EUA, ESU, ENQA, EURASHE.
As in previous years, the Forum organisers are seeking contributions from participants. Proposals will be welcome in three different formats: as papers, as workshop propositions, and as proposals for holding a stand in the Forum Café. The latter would involve sharing an example of practice in QA in an informal and networking context, while paper and workshop proposals might delve deeper into how quality assurance tools and processes relate to European and national policy discussions or interact with institutional quality frameworks and quality culture.
The deadline for submission of all contributions is 26 July 2010. For further information please visit this webpage or contact
Source:, as accessed on March 8, 2010.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 8, 2010
Modified on March 8, 2010