News archive - Bologna Process Conference to Take Place in Vienna/Budapest on March 11-12, 2010
Ministers of Education from the 46 Bologna Process signatory countries will gather with key stakeholders, including EUA, for a special anniversary conference next month to mark the official launch of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
Launched in 1999 by Ministers from 29 countries, the Bologna Process had as one of its principal objectives the commitment to establishing a common European Higher Education Area by 2010 (46 countries have now joined Bologna). The aim of this voluntary process was not to harmonise national education systems but rather to provide tools to connect them; to facilitate recognition of degrees and academic qualifications, mobility and exchanges between institutions.More than a decade later nearly all countries have enshrined the principles of Bologna in their national legislation.
Ministers and the stakeholder groups (including universities, students, and quality assurance agencies) such as EUA who manage the process in between the Ministerial summits will come together at next month’s conference to launch the EHEA officially and to assess the progress of the last decade. The Ministerial conference will also include once again a Bologna Global Policy Forum where European politicians will be joined by Ministers or heads of delegation from different regions of the world.
A special event taking place at Vienna University on March 11 will be dedicated to presenting some of the findings from the forthcoming EUA Trends study, based on questionnaire responses from 821 universities, 27 national university associations, and site visits to 16 countries.
Please click here for further information.
Source: EUA newsletter 3/2010.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 3, 2010
Modified on March 3, 2010