News archive - European Fund for the Balkans “Think and link”-Regional Policy for Think Tanks and Policy Institutes

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) is launching a call for proposals as part of its new region-wide policy programme: “Think and link” - Regional Policy Programme for Think Tanks and Policy Institutes. The Programme aims at encouraging various debates on the challenges, costs and opportunities of building a genuine EU member-state.
The European Fund for the Balkans will provide grants of up to 15,000 Euros to be used for research costs, project related travel and dissemination activities. Current deadline for applications is March 20, 2008 and follows an annual programme topic of environmental policy.

The programme seeks to foster inclusive and evidence-based policy making in the Western Balkans by initiating individual and collaborative research projects on the chosen annual programme topic: “Environmental policy in the Western Balkans – policy legacies, current institutions and European standards”, embedded in a regional seminar programme cycle.

The program addresses:
· independent policy institutes
· think-tanks
that focus on political, economic and social issues from the Western Balkans and that have a proven track record in the process of EU integration.

Applications for research projects should focus on analysis and case studies of national policies in comparison with the needs and requirements derived from the EU environmental acquis, which enforce effective and complete compliance with EU standards. Research projects should be geared toward developing specific policy proposals. These proposals should seek to overcome the gap between technical and political debate.

The benefits of being selected to participate in this programme are broader than just funding provided for the 6 months of research. The European Fund for the Balkans will support the selected organisations through a brainstorming and networking programme cycle, consisting of two seminars with experts (introductory seminar on the annual topic and final seminar), networking opportunities, and by linking them with institutions with relevant expertise in the EU.
The number of grants will depend on the nature, quality and estimated budgets of applications received, with approximately 6 grants awarded annually.

Application deadline: March 20, 2008

Further information:

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on February 26, 2008
Modified on February 26, 2008