News archive - [Event Announcement] Food Cluster Initiative Conference
The food cluster initiative Conference ocuses on improving the links with industry in the triple helix when building regional clusters and on how to spot relevant support sources to ensure a sustainable concept. The audience will comprise relevant stakeholders from the European triple helix, among which participants from the European Commission, regional authorities, regional clusters, companies, RTD performers and also notably academics from all over Europe.
The following topics will be addressed:
* key experiences in cluster building (success stories, bottlenecks and success factors);
* the role of the different stakeholders (policy, research and industry) in building successful clusters;
* the impact of food clustering;
* funding schemes to further support the capacity building efforts of regional clusters;
* the future strategy of the Food Cluster Initiative
Furthermore, a series of interactive workshops will be organised in order to
* define future funding needs and ways to address them;
* improve cluster cooperation;
* evaluate the performance of clusters
The following output is expected to be delivered:
* applicable knowledge to refine and adjust your strategy in (future) cluster building;
* networking opportunities to further build up or improve the regional and joint strategies;
* the future strategy of the Food Cluster Initiative.
Please click here to access the full programme.
The fee to participate the FCI conference as a non-member is € 150,00. Please click here to find out how toregister for the conference.
From: 8 December 2010
To: 10 December 2010
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 16, 2010
Modified on November 16, 2010