News archive - The Horizon 2020 proposals
The Horizon 2020 proposals are now available in all the official languages of the European Union.
The set of proposals for Horizon 2020 consists of:
- a proposal for Horizon 2020 (Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and innovation (2014-2020), COM(2011) 80910), laying down the general objectives, rationale and Union added value, the financial envelope and provisions on control, monitoring and evaluation;
- a proposal for a single specific programme to implement Horizon 2020 (Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the Specific Programme implementing Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020), COM(2011) 811), laying down the implementation modalities and the content in terms of the broad lines of activities;
- a proposal for a single set of Rules for Participation and Dissemination (Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the rules for the participation and dissemination in 'Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)', COM(2011) 810), laying down the modes of funding and reimbursement of costs, conditions for participation, selection and award criteria and the rules on ownership, exploitation and dissemination of results; and
- a separate proposal for the part of Horizon 2020 corresponding to the Euratom Treaty (Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (2014-2018) complementing Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, COM(2011) 812).
Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the Specific Programme implementing Horizon 2020 526 KB
Impact Assessment
Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Impact Assessment Report
1.7 MB
Source: Horizon 2020 Official Documents:
- International; Other
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 22, 2011
Modified on December 22, 2011