News archive - SCOPES Approves Funding of Projects in the WBC

The Swiss National Science Foundation has approved the funding of a number of projects in the Western Balkans in the frame of the SCOPES Call, including two projects in the field of social sciences.

The following projects have been selected for funding (please click on the country's name for details):

Among others, the following projects are with participation of...


  • Status, ecology and land tenure system of the critically endangered Balkan lynx Lynx lynx martinoi in Macedonia and Albania
  • Strengthening research capacity and knowledge transfer in Integrated Pest Management at different institutional levels to improve sustainable agriculture in Albania
  • Markets for executives and nonexecutives in Western and Eastern Europe


  • Tight junction signalling in the adaptation of the insulinproducing beta cells
  • Development of novel C-5 fluoroalkyl N-acyclic pyrimidine nucleoside analogs as PET tracers for in situ monitoring of gene and cell-based therapies using HSV1-TK as a reporter gene
  • Ethnic Quotas and Representation of Minorities in Local Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Chestnut blight research in the Balkans and Georgia: population studies and biological control methods
  • Development of novel C-5 fluoroalkyl N-acyclic pyrimidine nucleoside analogs as PET tracers for in situ monitoring of gene and cell-based therapies using HSV1-TK as a reporter gene
  • Establishing and developing of an ecotoxicology platform in Serbia and Croatia: a focus on zebrafish (Danio rerio)

The FYR of Macedonia:

  • Chestnut blight research in the Balkans and Georgia: population studies and biological control methods
  • Status, ecology and land tenure system of the critically endangered Balkan lynx Lynx lynx martinoi in Macedonia and Albania
  • Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy - specific and common molecular pathways
  • Metal transport and ore deposition: The geology, geochemistry and geodynamic setting of mineral resources in Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria


  • Modern optics and spectroscopy: from research to education
  • Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy - specific and common molecular pathways
  • Alkaline and alkaline-earth alumosilicate materials as perspective ceramic materials for industrial applications
  • Decision Procedures: from Formalizations to Applications


Source and further information:, as accessed on December 16, 2009.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 16, 2009
Modified on December 16, 2009