News archive - [Event Announcement] High-level Workshop: Danube Strategy & Space Technologies

A high-level workshop on the Danube Strategy and Space Technologies will take place on June 16 in Brussels. The workshop comprises two parts: A political part presenting the macro-regional approach and also the involvement of concerned NEREUS-regions. Three member regions (Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Vienna) are directly involved in the EU-Danube strategy.

Registration deadline: June 9, 2011.

Embedded in the macro-regional EU-Strategy for the Danube Strategy the event wants to raise the awareness for the significance of space for territorial and regional policies. By showing practical examples how space contributes to the delivery of regional strategies the workshop is meant to impulse a reflection at political level how space themes could be increasingly included in regional strategies as well as e.g. operational programs. Further to this, the workshop will be an opportunity for regional authorities to share information and experiences of innovative approaches setting up synergies between regional strategies and the use of space technologies.  

In the technical part different representatives from industry and research organisations present concrete examples and best-practices as well as relevant EU-projects which give a taste for the role of space (Earth Observation, GMES, Global Satellite Technologies, Galileo/EGNOS) for the implementation of the strategy. Space is an important tool for the related Action Plan.

REGISTRATION: Please download the registration form here

Please find the provisional programme here

Please find the draft concept paper here.

Source and further information:

Date: 16 June 2011 from to

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 9, 2011
Modified on May 31, 2011