News archive - Announcement of "Green Talents" Competition
Young scientists from all over the world who are seeking solutions topressing questions related to sustainability research are invited to participate in the prestigious "Green Talents" competition of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Application documents should be submitted to by July 29, 2011.

The award under the patronage of Federal Minister Professor Annette Schavan was presented for the second time in 2010 and is now starting its third application round. Talented young researchers (up to 35 years old) from around the world specialising in the area of sustainable development are invited to apply for "Green Talents - The International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development". The competition will give 20 exceptional scientists the opportunity to meet and exchange views with today's leading experts in the field of sustainability in Germany. A decisive selection criterion is the crucial contribution of the applicant's research to mastering global challenges such as climate change, declining energy resources and massive environmental pollution.
The winners of the competition will participate in a ten-day international science forum taking place in autumn 2011. Touring through Germany, the "Green Talents" will visit leading universities, research institutions and companies active in the field of sustainable development. They will gather specific information about research activities on-site and learn about opportunities for cooperation with German partners. The forum will also include individual meetings with experts, as well as cultural events and the award ceremony at the German Parliament (tbc) in Berlin.
For detailed information about the application requirements and process, please visit the website
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 15, 2011
Modified on July 15, 2011