News archive - FP7 Budget to Increase by 13.8 Percent in 2011
Boosting economic recovery, investing in Europe's youth and in tomorrow's infrastructures are the priorities of the 2011 draft budget adopted by the Commission on 27 April 2010. R&D spendings will rise considerably.
The draft 2011 budget increases investments in research, development and innovation, infrastructure and human capital. The 7th Framework Programme for research and technical development will grow by 13.8%, reaching €8.6bn; never before has the EU invested so much in that programme.
As research and development alone cannot boost economic recovery, the Trans-European transport and energy networks will grow by 16.8% (€1.3bn) whereas the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) will receive 4.4% more funding compared to 2010 (€549M).
Some €64.4bn are geared towards economic recovery actions (+3.4% on 2010). The funds backing the flagship initiatives of the EU 2020 strategy (for growth) represent some 57.9bn (some 40% of the Budget). Furthermore, the funding of the Life Long Learning Programme will increase by 2.6% (€1.1bn), thus making over 200,000 Erasmus grants available to students.
Source: Rapid Press Release of April 27, 2010.
- European Union (EU 27)
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 27, 2010
Modified on April 27, 2010