News archive - [Event Announcement] Ready to grow? Shaping future EU support for business Conference on the future of the CIP

As the CIP will come to an end in 2013 and the Commission services are currently elaborating actions and priorities to support the competitiveness of European businesses after 2013, the European Commission is organising a public conference on “The Future of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)” to be held in Brussels (Belgium) on January 25, 2011.

Registration deadline: January 15, 2011.

The Commission invites interested stakeholders, including representatives of business and innovation agencies, to express their views about issues such as:

1) CIP supports business and innovation through a wide range of measures (such as better access to finance, business and innovation business support services, support to the uptake of innovative and interoperable ICT based services, uptake of eco-innovation services and products or increased use of intelligent energy). Based on your experience or knowledge, which measure do you consider can be improved on and how?

2) European business faces big and new challenges nowadays: What are the key actions that the EU should focus on to help businesses to grow? Which ones should be strengthened in CIP? Are there specific fields where action is necessary but are not currently covered?

3) What link should there be between EU support for research and the EU support for competitiveness and innovation?


A parallel exhibition will be held the whole day in Gasperi foyer. Display stands will showcase the achievement of the CIP so far and allow participants to discuss with the respective Commission services current policy orientations and available funding opportunities.


If you want to take part in this event click here below to register.

On-line registration (open until 15 January)


Date: 25 January 2011 from to

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 12, 2011
Modified on January 11, 2011