News archive - Global Europe 2050: The world and Europe up to 2050: EU policies and research priorities
On November 28, 2011, the European Commission is holding a conference in Brussels on "Global Europe 2050". This conference is presenting the results of a European foresight expert group year-long work. The focus of this expert group was "The World and Europe up to 2050: EU policies and research priorities".
This foresight exercise is in line with the EU report published two years ago and entitled "The World in 2025". But "Global Europe 2050" has a longer-term perspective to tackle issues such as natural resources availability, infrastructures and territorial dynamics.
This work is original as the three scenarios "Nobody cares", "EU under threats" and "EU Renaissance" have been quantified. De facto, the narrative is accompanied by figures concerning e.g. the share of EU GDP or CO2 emissions in 2050 in the three different scenarios.
Firstly, this conference will present the report (methodology, scenarios, quantification, and future research and innovation)
Secondly, it will discuss some specific questions relevant for the EU such as ageing population, climate change policy, new geopolitical context and R&I consequences.
This foresight conference will be an opportunity for EU policy makers, national authorities, stakeholders and academics to meet, interact and to exchange on the main long-term future issues of Europe in a global context.
- Programme:
- For more information: Domenico Rossetti-di-Valdalbero
Date: 28 November 2011
Source: DG Research and Innovation: SSH
- Europe
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 4, 2011
Modified on November 6, 2011