News archive - 2 STEM project offers scholarships for WBC students and academic staff (University of Warsaw)

University of Warsaw participates in the European Commission Project Erasmus Mundus Action 2 STEM ( ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT TRAINING IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING & MATHEMATICS (STEM), coordinated by City University, London. In this project which students and academic staff from Western Balkans can apply for scholarships. The project is focused on, but not limited to STEM areas of study (science, technology, engineering, mathematis), which means that students from other disciplines are welcomed to apply, too.

Application deadline: April 15, 2011

Those from partner universities are target group I, those from other institutions target group II, whereas target group III is reserved for those in underprivileged situation (minorities, refugees, the poor, disabled, etc).

The offer is: a return air ticket, scholarship of 1000-2500 EUR per month, insurance, tuition fee up to 3000 EUR per year. 

Fully funded scholarships from and to Western Balkans

Who can apply?
UG, MA, PhD students, Post Doc’s, Academic Staff and alumni from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UN Res. 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Serbia) and from EU partner universities.


Some information about Warsaw
• Centre of Europe
• Possibility to travel freely to other European Schengen countries
• UW - the largest university in Poland, usually ranked as No. 1 in the country
• Studies in 44 fields, 19 faculties, 44 independent units
• 12 full degree programs in English, short term studies in English available in most of the units
• You don’t need to know Polish!
• High-standard services on arrival: help with the visa process, mentor system, survival Polish classes, intercultural training, etc.
• Language courses and sports during the whole scholarship time
• Friendly, international atmosphere
• Relatively low living costs

Further information:
University of Warsaw:
International Relations Office:

STEM website:


Anna Sadecka, University of Warsaw

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 12, 2011
Modified on March 9, 2011