News archive - Workshop: The Role of Public Research Institutes in the Development of Countries
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBiTAK) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) have co-organised an SEE Regional Workshop on the “Role of Public Research Institutes in the Development of Countries” in Istanbul on March 8, 2010 under the auspices of the Turkish Chairmanship-in-Office of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The workshop was followed by site visits to the TÜBiTAK research institutes in the Marmara Research Centre on March 9, 2010.
By sharing Turkish experience, the event aimed to contribute to the enhancement of the scientific and technological competitiveness of the WBCs analysing the impact of public research institutes on the technological development of these countries and their integration into the European Research Area.
55 representatives of the WBCs from the fields of science and technology management and TÜBiTAK as well as representatives of other relevant international organisations and respective stakeholders participated in the event, which was supported by TÜBiTAK, the RCC and TURBO.
The workshop started with the opening speeches of TÜBiTAK Vice President Prof. Dr. Ömer Anla¢gan, SEECP representative of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Güçlü Kalafat and the Head of the RCC Building Human Capital Unit Mladen DragaševiÊ and continued with discussions about the contribution of public research institutes to the overall progress of a society. Furthermore, the participants shared good practices and lessons learned and identified strengths, but also the challenges the WBCs may encounter when developing research infrastructures.
The workshop stressed that the cooperation between R&D, higher education and businesses of the WBCs should be fostered. Moreover, it was highlighted that research institutions in the region should focus either on an extensive specialisation or comprehensive integration of diverse research areas. Also, research institutes and universities in SEE should explore and make use of the benefits of regional cooperation by participating in the EU R&D programmes, especially the EU Framework Programmes.
The WBCs acknowledged the Turkish experience in developing research institutes. Turkish representatives expressed interest in sharing their best practices and participating in the development of similar models for the WBCs.
Author: Filiz Hayirli.
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 24, 2010
Modified on June 24, 2010