News archive - Good practice: Technology Park Zagreb

The Technology Park Zagreb (TPZ) is the first technology park and entrepreneurial incubator for high technology in Croatia. TPZ was founded in 1994 in the framework of the KONCAR concern. After the summer of 1998, it was conveyed to the City of Zagreb with the objective to stimulate entrepreneurship and private initiative in the area of development and high technologies within the framework of the programme stimulating the development of crafts and small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Zagreb.

TPZ operates as an entrepreneurial incubator with more than 1,000 m2 of premises and fosters small businesses in realisation of their entrepreneurial initiatives in the initial phase of their development and growth. As a part of its programme it also provides expert knowledge and uses free production capacity and office facilities as well as available sources of financing.

Through TPZ, the city of Zagreb carries out projects for economic development in the field of small, innovative, technology-oriented businesses.

The mission of the Technology Park Zagreb includes
1. creating new entrepreneurs in the field of the research and high technologies
2. creating new places of employment and fostering the development of new products
3. helping the innovators and young entrepreneurs in the commercialisation process of their innovations
4. creating a positive atmosphere for entrepreneurship in the society
5. developing the professional, technical and business self-confidence in globalisation

Achievements of TPZ
TPZ represents the highest concentration of entrepreneurs and innovators in the field of development of new products, innovation and high technology in Croatia.
Every year about 30 new products are created and produced in TPZ and launched to the market. The entrepreneurs from TPZ have received 5 patents and 82 awards and recognitions for their innovations and new products as well as for their scientific contributions.
Many of them are exporters to the international market with a focus on Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Egypt, Great Britain, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, and the FYR of Macedonia.

Author Marijan Ožanić
Technology Park Zagreb

The Technology Park Zagreb was covered under the mapping exercise carried out by the project. Innovation Infrastructures (including science and technology parks, clusters, incubators, etc.) in all Western Balkan count-ries were surveyed.
The survey, updated in April 2008, is available from

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 30, 2008
Modified on May 4, 2008