News archive - FP7 orientation papers: proposed priorities for NMP research, Transport Research, Environment and Health Research and KBBE (agriculture/food/biotechnology research) 2012

FP7 orientation papers with proposed priorities for NMP research 2012 (Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new production technologies) - Cooperation, Theme 4; for Transport research including Aeronautics - Cooperation Theme 7;  Environment research (including climate change) and Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnologies as well as Health research are now online available. Please notice that these documents are draft versions of the Work Programme 2012.

The indicative publication date for all call documents including the final work programme is July 20, 2011. All related documents will be available on

NMP Research

Broadly speaking, calls of the NMP Theme in 2012 and 2013 will continue to span the spectrum from enabling research, to applications and demonstration activities. The NMP Theme covers the entire range of industrial research activities. Sustainability and societal challenges have always been implicit in NMP strategies, but are receiving increased attention. In a few words, the NMP Theme focuses on smart and sustainable growth, for a greener industry, its three constituent activities being the tools rather than ends in themselves.
A key feature of the 2012 Work Programme (WP) is the participation for the third year in actions within the European recovery package. Starting with the WP 2010, the NMP Theme supports the European Economic Recovery Plan, through three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): 'Factories of the future', 'Energy efficient Buildings' and 'Green cars'.

Transport (including Aeronautics)

 A new approach has been adopted for Work Programme 2012 (WP 2012), reflecting the new political context and the priority given to the Innovation Union. This new approach is based on focusing on major socio-economic challenges and responding to societal concerns. The main focus is on eco-innovation, safe and seamless mobility, and competitiveness through innovation. Calls for research proposals that are in line with this Programme will be launched on 20 July 2011. Researchers, universities, SMEs, large companies and research institutes are welcome to submit their proposals.

Environment (including climate change)

The novelty of the 2012 Environment (including climate change) work programme is the challenge driven approach which is implemented through fewer but broader topics using a two-stage submission and evaluation procedure. In support of the objectives of the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative, efforts are made to boost industry and SME participation by introducing specific SME-targeted and SME-friendly topics. Furthermore, a shift towards larger scale projects has been introduced with the possibility to support several projects per topic.


The Theme Health is aligned with the fundamental objectives of EU research policies: improving the health of European citizen and increasing competitiveness of European healthrelated industries and services, as well as addressing the socio-economic dimension of health care and global health issues. With a view to achieve the EU 2020 objective of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Commission launched the European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing. Its aims should be, by 2020, to enable citizens to live longer independently in good health by increasing the average number of healthy life years by 2 and, in achieving this target, to improve the sustainability and efficiency of our social and healthcare systems, and to create an EU and global market for innovative products and services with new opportunities for EU business.

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnologies

This work programme promotes world leadership in European Knowledge Based Bio- Economy (KBBE) research and aims at technological breakthroughs that support the competitiveness of the European bio-economy industry. Compared to previous years, this work programme puts substantially more emphasis on the foundation that research provides to innovation. It does so primarily by advancing the participation of SMEs as active stakeholders in the research with a view to apply and exploit the results in their innovation projects.
The topics in WP2012 support the development of a sustainable European KBBE and contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy and the Innovation Union, in particular by (i) moving towards the completion of the European Research Area in the bio-based economy sectors (ii) linking the existing and new initiatives in the bio-based economy field such as joint programming, Lead Market, Innovation Partnership into a coherent policy framework (iii) stimulating innovation including promotion of knowledge transfer; (iv) contributing to the EU policies e.g. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP); Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP); Community Animal Health Policy (CAHP); Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), regulatory frameworks to protect the environment, health and safety; regulatory frameworks related to resource efficiency and waste; (v) and supporting international initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals and Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 30, 2011
Modified on June 21, 2011