News archive - WBC-INCO.NET Online Survey on Innovation Needs - for Company Representatives
WBC-INCO.NET is conducting a web survey on innovation needs in the Western Balkan countries (WBC). The results of the survey will be used to support the development of an efficient and feasible regional innovation strategy. The survey is anonymous and your input will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
The survey will remain online until April 18, 2011.
Target group
All the innovative companies in the WBC region which would like to contribute to the Western Balkan's present and future research and innovation agenda are invited to take a part in the survey. The answers should be provided by the company's owners or members of the management team. Individual innovators and researchers are not foreseen to provide their answers in this survey.
The survey consists of 15 questions, divided in 3 sections and takes about 15 minutes. In the survey, stakeholders are asked to estimate local and regional innovation environment of the WBC and to contribute their own innovation ideas which they believe are important to enable the WB region to become innovative by 2030 and thus able to compete at European and global level and reap the benefits of a knowledge-based society. The 2030 timeframe has been set since an innovation-driven society takes time to flourish and most ideas may require a long term incubation period.
If you would like to participate in the survey, please do so by April 18, 2011:
For any further information, please contact:
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 6, 2011
Modified on April 4, 2011