News archive - Reports on "Brain-drain" Policies in the Western Balkans published

Within the project "Developing 'brain gain' policies in the Western Balkans", a series of reports has been published.

Project objective is to support Western Balkan regional cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of migration management in the context of bran drain/gain phenomenon through: 1) Identifying impact of European and national policies and practices regarding brain drain/gain in the region of Western Balkan, 2) introducing the key stakeholders in the region of Western Balkan with the impact of European and national policies and practices regarding brain drain/gain 3) supporting development of policies and measures in the region of Western Balkan that would turn brain drain into brain gain, at the national and regional level.

Each country within the project has written a national report on "brain-drain", development of policies to mitigate its negative effects, as well as "brain-gain" policies. The reports are written based on an analysis of the existing laws, documents and literature and interviews with key actors in the field of migration of highly qualified people. The report identifies the main challenges in this area and provides recommendations on how to develop "brain-drain" policies and programmes.


Source: Grupa484;

Geographic area: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, FYR of Macedonia
Period of realisation: January - October 2010
Donors: The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) and European Fund for the Balkans


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 12, 2011
Modified on January 12, 2011