News archive - Public Consultation on the Future EU Programme for International Cooperation in Higher Education and Human Capital Development

The EU is planning to create a new EU programme for international cooperation in higher education is to contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy and its "Youth on the Move" and "New Skills for New Jobs" flagship initiatives for which the Commission is seeking your input through an online consultation.

The new programme should build on the achievements of the current EU programme for international cooperation in higher education: Erasmus Mundus. This programme was launched in 2004 to enhance quality in higher education through scholarships and academic cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world. Further information about the current Erasmus Mundus programme can be found on new programme should also take into account achievements of other European programmes for international cooperation in higher education such as bi-lateral programmes with industrialised countries,  or regional programmes with for instance the neighbouring countries, Latin America or Africa.

Why this consultation?

The current Erasmus Mundus programme will run until December 31, 2013. To prepare the new programme we need to start thinking now, in the light of the experiences of existing programmes in the higher education field but also in the light of the EU's new policy objectives (Europe 2020).

This consultation therefore looks to the future, focusing on strategic questions for the design of what could be a new EU programme for international cooperation in higher education from 2014 on. Through these questions the Commission wants to find out about the needs, ambitions, objectives and preferences of everyone concerned. The consultation is not an evaluation of the current Erasmus Mundus programme. A detailed interim evaluation of the programme will be launched separately to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the existing programme and to propose improvements in the way it is run. This will also feed the Commission's proposal for a new programme.

Target group:

  • Responses from all citizens and organisations are welcome. Contributions are particularly sought from:
  • Authorities from EU Member States, EEA and candidate countries;
  • Authorities from non-EU partner countries which may or may not already participate in the Erasmus Mundus or other international cooperation programmes;
  • Higher education and training institutions, bodies working in the field of post-secondary education and individuals (notably scholars, teachers, students and trainees) for whom the current or similar programmes are designed (whether they have taken part in the programme or not).

You are invited to answer this questionnaire in any of the official EU languages and/or send contributions, addressing any issues which you consider as relevant in the context of developing the future programme. If you wish to send additional comments, please send them by email to the following address: specifying your name, nationality, the name of your organisation (if relevant) and your function in the organisation. You can also use this email address in case you have any questions related to this consultation.

Please click here for further information and to participate in the consultation.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 28, 2010
Modified on September 28, 2010