News archive - Register Now for the Competitive ICT Research Actors Database
The projects WINS-ICT and ICT-WEB-PROMS aim to strengthen cooperation in scientific research level between EU and Western Balkan countries, deepening bi-regional relations strategy in the field of information and communication technology and promoting the participation of Western Balkan countries in FP7. The project consortiums are inviting all interested stakeholders (individuals and organisations) from the region to register for the Competitive ICT Research Actors Database.
The intention of the database is not to set up an additional on-line database but rather to ensure the continuity of the work initiated by the previous projects IS2Web and See-Innovation, and to allow the information regarding research organisations to stay up-to-date and accessible from EU researchers possibly interested in mutual cooperation.
Registered organisations may
- access a network of stakeholders from all over Europe, thus increasing your research potential and competiveness and making yourself visible to other stakeholders.
- Receive technical assistance on administrative procedures and contractual issues of participating in EU ICT projects.
- Be invited to workshops, roadshows and brokerage/networking events which will address specific technical areas and build capacity for participation in ICT projects.
- Regularly receive information about news and opportunities regarding the participation of Western Balkan Countries in
- European ICT research via the projects' mailing lists
- Have access to two project portals offering a partner search facility, information about relevant calls for proposals, conferences, etc.
It only takes a few minutes to complete the database template. To do so, please go to
In case of any questions, please contact Nela Sladojevic,, Mob: +387 66 835 883.
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Kosovo*
- Montenegro
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Serbia
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 3, 2010
Modified on February 3, 2010