News archive - Join the “ICT for Governance and Policy modelling” community
Are you looking for opportunities to get to know ICT experts all over Europe and beyond? Would you like to publish your knowledge online, to advertise your events and get involved in virtual scientific debates?
Then, the ICT for Governance and Policy modelling Community might be the right place for you to “meet, share and learn”.
What can you get and how can you contribute, becoming a member?
The community offers services and opportunities to:
- Identify and contact other experts, through the ePractice profiles:
- Meet them virtually (by email, on the Blog) and during face to face events, that are advertised on the community pages
- Express your ideas, participate into debates and ask for support, using the community Blog:
- Share your knowledge, by publishing in the Case ( ) or in the Library ( ) sections your own contributions: description of services, studies, reports, articles etc…
- Proposing events and workshops ( ) and asking support for their organisation to the “ICT for Governance and Policy modelling” facilitators.
How can you join the community?
The first step is to become a member of the ePractice portal and to create your own profile at: .
Source: Euresearch-E-ALERT Service (February 24, 2009).
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 24, 2009
Modified on February 24, 2009