News archive - NCP-SME-Network Offers New Partner Searches

The NCP SME (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) network is the main provider of advice and individual assistance in all Member States and Associated States to SMEs willing to participate in EU research. One of the services it offers is assistance in partner search. Three new partner searches are now online.

There are two ways of participation in the partner search: 

  • Proactively launching your own Partner Search, in those cases when you already have a project idea and need to complete your consortium.
  • Subscribing to the TransCoSME mailing lists to be informed of any opportunity arising to join a forming consortium in your areas of interest, then checking your compliance with the partner profiles sought and filling in an Expression of Interest to apply.

Click here to go directly to the open partner searches or launch your own partner search.

Advantages of the NCP SME Network Partner Search Procedure

Your National Representative (in the WBC, a national representative is only available in Croatia at the moment) will help you better focus your partner search in an SME Call and activity/area-specific way before publishing and distributing it to the more than 35 partner countries. This will provide you the following benefits:

* Higher chances to succeed the evaluation, as your proposal will be focused on the SME objectives.
* Continuous support from the National Contact Points Network during the whole life of the process.
* Fast way of completing your consortium, as you will receive the first replies within days - or even hours!
* You will be able to close the Partner Search as soon as you find appropriate partners, avoiding the reception of further responses.

Source: SME-NCP Network.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 26, 2010
Modified on July 27, 2010