News archive - [Call Announcement] South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme Call for Setting-up Exchange and Coordination Mechanisms
Under this SEE Call, projects could include activities such as networking and exchange of information activities, studies and operational plans, capacity building activites, promotion actions, set up of services, preparation and conduction of investments proposed by transnational strategic concepts, including infrastructure investment if appropriate and justifiable.
Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area:
South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme Call for Setting-up Exchange and Coordination Mechanisms
Information on funding
SEE Programme
Short introduction to the programme / what is it about? How may WBC participate? (approx. 500 characters):
General purpose of this call is is primarily to set up exchange and coordination mechanisms for research, technology and innovation approaches and policies (governance aspect) and to increase public awareness on the importance of technological progress and innovation developed through transnational actions in the area (awareness aspect).
Potential beneficiaries include universities, higher eductaion institutions, research centers, scientific institutions, colleges, tertiary education institutions, regional and local development agencies focused on technology and innovation, national, regional and local authorities, chambers of commerce, collective business support actors, non governmental organizations / public like organizations.
Examples of activities with transnational partnerships that can be supported under this call:
- Setting up exchange and coordination mechanisms for reserach technology and innovation approaches and policies across South East Europe between key players of the innovation system (including exchange schemes)
- Improving the common governance at regional and local level with respect to innovative entrepreneurship. Activities can support the development of “innovation management”, “innovation support” and “innovation governance” through analysis and monitoring of innovation performance and the development and coordination of innovation policy
- Networking between regions sharing an interest in a specific economic field /sector, aimed at strengthening the economic profile of respective regions
- Promoting the image formation of South East Europe as a place of innovation and growth. Actions should maximise the use of ICT where appropriate
- Mobilizing existing institutions (e.g. research institutes, education centres, media) in contacting and communicating with citizen to promote innovation. Actions should maximise the use of ICT where appropriate
- Using ICT tools of the evolving information society to encouraging young people to develop entrepreneurial spirit and wake enthusiasm for scientific education (e.g. open labs for pupils accessible by ICT)
- Taking the chance to explain and experiment with the potential of Environmental Technologies Innovation.
More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):
Different types of calls for project proposals are envisaged for the implementation of the SEE Programme:
- Competitive calls, which are applied as standard procedure for the majority of projects, and
- Strategic calls, which are applied only in certain cases.
Different application and selection provisions apply for each type of call, as follows:
Call |
Description |
Competitive, open |
Transnational partnerships from all eligible potential beneficiaries can submit proposals in line with one of the four Priority Axes of the programme. It should be noted that the support of the programme managing and coordinating bodies in the project generation process is limited; |
Targeted, for strategic projects("strategic" call) |
A top-down approach (which means that the project generation is intensively supported and supervised by programme authorities and only selected pre-defined areas of intervention and types of institutions are eligible to apply) is foreseen in order to strengthen and steer the integration process of the SEE territories and structures. This procedure should increase the support for the "strategic projects" generation and development processes. |
The open, competitive call for proposals, according to paragraph 7.2 of the Operational Programme, can follow one or two step application procedure.
In case of "Two steps" procedures, two are the relevant phases:
Call |
Description |
First Step |
The submission of the Expression of Interest (EoI) In the first step, applicants are requested to submit a EoI based on a reduced form. The EoI presents the objectives of the project, the anticipated budget, the type of activities, their location and the cooperation area covered as well as the planned outputs and results and the structure of the partnership. An overview of the budget has to be provided as well. Once filled in completely and accurately, the EoI can be uploaded onto the dedicated section of the website. No additional documents will be accepted and/ or considered. Only electronic submission is allowed and only the first version submitted will be taken in to account; any further version of the same project proposal will not be considered as valid and will not be assessed. Once the e-version of the document is submitted no changes are possible. By way of general guidance, the programme recommends that project proposals are already at an advanced stage on EoI submission: project partners already contacted and involved and the overall structure well defined. Only project proposals matching a certain readiness, quality level and responding to the selection criteria can be invited to enter the second step of the application procedure. |
Second Step |
The submission of the completed Application Form (AF) During the "Second Step" the AF will be evaluated by the JTS and external experts with the support of SCPs. To better align the contents of the proposal and to check the compliance with the relevant national and regional regulations, it is highly recommended that the applicants get in contact with the SCP of their country. |
Submission of an Expression of Interest (EoI) is the “First Step” for applying for the funding of projects within the SEE Programme 2007 – 2013.
The application pack for the Expression of Interest is composed by:
- SEE Programme Manual (SEE PM) Version 2.0 October 2009;
- Call for Proposals announcement October 2009;
- EoI form1, Second Call for Proposals;
- Applicant’s Guidelines (1st Part), October 2009.
The SEE PM provides useful information and guidance on how to develop a SEE transnational project proposal within the SEE Programme 2007 – 2013. It is very important to carefully read the SEE Operational Programme (OP) and all the documents in the application pack before filling in the EoI form. Projects which have a good level of planning to date, that meet the relevant Area of Intervention and follow the Call documents should be able to offer a level of detail and coherence in their EoI that positively evidences their preparedness.
The Expression of Interest form is an electronic document which needs to be filled in electronically and sent in at the latest, by the deadline set in the call for proposals. This should be done by uploading it on the Programme’s website.
Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):
Important information
Based on the experience of the first call, we strongly advice the applicants not to wait until the last days to upload the expression of interest, as the server may be overloaded and they may have problems with the submission. No files will be accepted after the deadline.
Click here to access the SEE Programe website.
Entry created by Filiz Hayirli on November 21, 2009
Modified on November 21, 2009