News archive - Research Commissioner to Remove all Major Bottlenecks to the “Single Market for Research and Innovation”

Research and Innovation Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn recently promissed to remove all major bottlenecks to the free flow of knowledge and to the emergence of a “Single Market for Research and Innovation.” The refocussing of research and innovation policies on the major challenges facing Europeand the improvement of researchers' mobility are among her main priorities.

While many of the details are still in the pipeline, the main features of the research strategy to be publsihed in September 2010 have been agreed. Geoghegan-Quinn said the strategy will make clear the intention to refocus research and innovation policies on the major challenges facing Europe such as climate change, energy and resource efficiency, health and ageing. “They’re top priorities for policy-makers, and they also represent, as I’m sure those with an entrepreneurial outlook will agree, huge commercial opportunities,” she said. “I want the strategy to help put an end to the fragmentation of national research efforts and the wasteful duplication that this leads to. At a time when public finances are under such pressure, we must get the most out of every cent we spend,” Geoghegan-Quinn added.

The strategy will be based on a broad understanding of innovation, covering not just research, but also innovation in business models, management structures and processes, the delivery of services by the public sector, as well as innovation in design and marketing, and also social innovation - meaning innovation in, for example, working practices and community-building. “So it's clearly not only about research spending,” the Commissioner said.

The strategy will propose measures to improve the mobility and careers of researchers. “I want to remove, once and for all, the pension and social security obstacles which hinder and at times prevent researchers from moving freely between countries,” Geoghegan-Quinn said.

Source and further information:, as accessed on May 14, 2010.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 14, 2010
Modified on May 17, 2010