News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for papers] The Ninth Biennial International Conference Criminal Justice and Security – Contemporary Criminal Justice Practice and Research
The Ninth Biennial International Conference Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe
Contemporary Criminal Justice Practice and Research will be held at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor Ljubljana, Slovenia on September 19-21, 2012. The primary aim of the ninth biennial conference is to exchange views, concepts, and research findings among scientists, researchers, and practitioners from the broad area of criminal justice practice, research and developent thereof in the last two decades. The conference will highlight new ideas, theories, methods, and findings in a wide range of research and applied areas relating to criminal justice issues. Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2012.
Examples of the topics expected to be explored include:
- Police and Policing
- Provision of Safety and Security
- Crime Prevention
- Criminal Investigation
- Courts
- Juvenile Justice
- Attitudes towards Criminal Justice Institutions, etc.
For the full list of topics, please follow this link: Possible Topics
Abstract Submission Guidelines
The abstracts including the information on the »purpose«, »design/methodology/approach«, »findings«, »originality/value«, »keywords«, and paper/contribution type should be submitted in the Word-for-Windows format to the following e-mail address:
(Gorazd Meško, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Chairman of the Programme Committee).
Guidelines for Submission
Proposals to be submitted by May 15, 2012 must include a cover sheet containing the presentation's title and full particulars of the author: first and last name, affiliation, complete return address, telephone, fax, and the e-mail address to which relevant correspondence will be sent. In the proposal, the track and the presentation options of your choice should be clearly indicated. For a panel presentation, submit a 500-word abstract of your paper. For a poster session, submit a 300-word summary of the poster. For a workshop, submit a proposed title and a 400-word description of the topic. You should also indicate or suggest the names of other presenters in the workshop. For a roundtable, submit a proposed title with a 400-word description of diverse viewpoints that the roundtable is to address and indicate or suggest the names of other discussants at the roundtable.
To create a high-quality program reflecting state-of-the-art ideas and results in a particular field, the Program Committee shall evaluate the proposals received according to the criteria of originality, quality, significance, relevance to a broad audience of police researchers and/or practitioners, and clarity of presentation. The Program Committee's final decision regarding acceptance of proposals will be mailed to authors no later than June 15, 2012.
The authors should be prepared to personally present their papers/posters/workshops at the Conference, while the authors of proposals for a roundtable are expected to assume the role of the moderator.
All authors will receive the information regarding their participation at the conference (travel information, hotel options, social events, etc.), and/or this information will be published on the conference home page in June 2010 at the latest. All abstracts will be published on the conference web site.
The working language of the Conference is English. Abstracts, as well as all any relevant correspondence, should be written in English.
- The Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
- the European Group of Research into Norms, Guyancourt, France,
- the Department of Criminology, Leicester University, the United Kingdom,
- the College of Justice and Safety, Eastern Kentucky University, USA,
- School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University, USA,
- Transcrime - The Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime ofthe Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan and the University of Trento, Italy,
- ACUNS - The Academic Council on the United Nations Systems and
- the Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Detailed information on the conference, including call for papers, guidelines for submission, possibility of publishing, and registration is available on a conference website:
Dates to Remember
- May 15, 2012abstract submission deadline
- June 15, 2012decision regarding acceptance
- before July 1, 2012advanced registration period
- September 15, 2012final paper submission
- September 19 - 21, 2012conference
Source: Email by Tominc Bernarda, University of Maribor
From: 19 September 2012
To: 21 September 2012
- International; Other
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 21, 2012
Modified on February 21, 2012