News archive - Event Announcement: Euroscience Open Forum

The Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF 2008) will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from July 18 to 22, 2008. It is a good opportunity for networking activities as some 4,000 scientists, researchers, students, decision makers and business people are expected. Science and innovation policy are also on the agenda.

Key themes to be addressed by renowned speakers include:
- enhanced energy security;
- fighting global warming;
- what should we eat and how should we look?
- the very big and the very small;
- screening: burden and benefits;
- science and innovation policy.

In addition to the expert audience, ESOF 2008 is also intended to attract the general public providing a variety of activities and experiments designed to give insights into the world of science.

For further information:

Source: CORDIS

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 9, 2008
Modified on May 10, 2008