News archive - FP7 - Call published FP7-COH-2007-2.2-OMC-NET
Actions financed under this call (Deadline is March 6, 2008) include exchange of experience, joint evaluations and impact assessments, formulation of policy recommendations.
The indicative budget for this call is 7 500 000 EUR, available to support bottom up policy coordination initiatives undertaken by several countries and regions.
The call and workprogramme furthermore specifies that participants shall be at least 5 independent legal entities from five different Member States or Associated States, of which at least three shall be Member States or Associated Candidate Countries. The minimum number of participants must include only public bodies who prepare and formulate research policies at national or regional level (the coordinator must be chosen amongst them). But other legal entities, such as industry, other research actors, European organisations or civil society organisations that make a particular and policy relevant contribution to the project may participate.
Source: CORDIS
Entry created by Elke Dall on October 21, 2007
Modified on October 21, 2007