News archive - New 7th Framework Programme open calls

On September 3, 2008 new calls were published in the 7th Framework Programme ("Cooperation" and "Capacities"):

Further Information on Call for Proposals regarding call fiche, work programme and FP7 factsheets can be found on CORDIS.

- Security;
- Space;
- Health (two calls);
- Environment (including climate change);
- Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology;
- Energy (three calls);
- Socio-economic sciences and humanities (three calls);
- Biorefinery joint call (two sections), including energy; environment (including climate change); food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology; and nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies.

- Research for the benefit of SMEs (three calls);
- Activities of international cooperation (four calls);
- Science in society;
- Regions of knowledge.

In the programme COOPERATION:

Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Calls: Around 70 collaborative projects and coordination and support actions are now open in the field of "Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology".
The evaluation shall follow a single stage procedure. The deadline for the full proposal is 15 January 2009.
Find more information and all relevant documents on:

A new Call for Proposals for Socio-economic sciences and Humanities under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is also open now.

Deadline: 13 January 2009

  • FP7-SSH-2009: Collaborative research projects and Research for the Benefit of Specific Groups - Civil Society Organisations

  • FP7-SSH-2009: Collaborative projects (small or medium-scale focused research projects) for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation

  • FP7-SSH-2009: Coordination and support actions


A new Call for Proposals for Security under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) was published as well.
FP7-SEC-2009-1 with a budget of € 117 900 000. Deadline is December 4, 2008

Five ENERGY calls have been published on 3rd September 2009 with call identifiers FP7-ENERGY-2009-1/2/3 or FP7-2009-BIOREFINERY.
Given that each topic will have either one or two stage evaluation and one of  three (different) deadlines, referring to Cordis is advisable.

The third Health call has been published also on 3rd September 2008. It consist of two subcalls for single- and two-stage proposal submissions respectively.
All relevant information can be found on Cordis: FP7-HEALTH-2009-single-stage; FP7-HEALTH-2009-two-stage
Call Deadlines: 3 December 2008 for single-stage and first stage of two-stage proposals; 22 April 2009 for second stage of two-stage proposals
Call Budget: 609 Million Euros

A new Call for Proposals for Environment under FP7 has been published as well.
FP7-ENV-2009-1 with a budget of € 193 500 000. Deadline: 08 January 2009
Detailed information on this call for proposals can be found on Cordis.

A new Call Space has been opened on the same day. For detailed information about the working programme and any othe call related documents please visit:
FP7-SPACE-2009-1 with a call budget of 51 Million Euros.
Deadline: 04 December 2008



The "Research for SME associations" - proposals have the deadline 18 December 2008 and will be evaluated in a 2 stage procedure.
Find all information and documents:

4 open calls on the Activities of International Cooperation were published with the deadline 12 January 2009.
The calls are available on:

1 call on Science in Society: FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2009-1 was published with the deadline 13 January 2009.

Find all information and documents

Call focusing on Regions of knowledge: FP7-REGIONS-2009-1 has a deadline on 27 January 2009 and is available on:



Entry created by Elke Dall on September 4, 2008
Modified on September 4, 2008