News archive - Call open: CIP Eco Innovation

Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are eligible for this CIP call. Closing date for submission of applications is September 10, 2009.

What is eco-innovation?
►The objective is to boost Europe’s environmental and competitive standing by supporting innovative and sustainable solutions that protect the environment while creating a larger market for “green” technologies, management methods, products and services.
►The aim is to:
• Support first applications and market uptake of innovative technologies and practices;
• Help bridge the gap between research and development and the business world;
• Help overcame the residual market barriers that currently hamper the success of eco-innovative products and services, especially those encountered by European SMEs.
►Eco-innovation Programme is divided in 3 sectors:
1. Financial instrument;
2. Network of actors;
3. Pilot and market replication.

Call for proposals 2008
►42 out of 134 of projects selected , 28 M€ EU funding to mobilise € 60milion, many recycling projects
►175 partners, 75% SMEs, 90% private sector participation , 25 countries involved
►Encourage for new countries (Croatia, Turkey and WBC).

Call for proposals 2009
►The Eco contribution for the call for proposal 2009 will be 30 M€, expected to be founded 40 projects, approximatevily € 700,000 for each project 50% co-financing all costs last year was cofinancing will depend on status of the participant:

• 40% if large enterprise;
• 50% if medium enterprise;
• 60 if small enterprise;
• 50% for all others.

►Max 3 year contract duration
► Life cycle approach
► EPSS is open in May 09
►The main priority areas, although eco-innovation is a cross-cutting issue, in the call for proposal are:

  • Materials recycling: better sorting processes, innovative recycling products, new recycling solutions, new markets for recycling products.
  • Building: innovative processes and products in the building sector. Sustainable construction materials, water treatment/saving, ...
  • Food and drink sector: cleaner production processes aiming at higher resources efficiency, reduction of waste and increasing recycling and recovery, high efficiency in the water process;
  • Greening business and smart purchasing: application of EMAS, , integration o ecoinnovation in supply chains, green purchasing

Eligibility criteria
►Legal person which is located in:
• 27 EU Member States;
• EEA;
• Plus: Croatia, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Israel, Serbia, further countries depending on bilateral agreements
• Emphasis on SMEs.

Award Criteria
• Relevance of the action: policy framework, innovation and substantial environmental benefits;
• Quality of the proposed actions: soundness and coherence of project from the technical and project management perspective;
• Impact on target audience: high potential for replication, potential to create or enlarge markets;
• Budget and cost-effectiveness: appropriate level of effort and increased competitiveness;
• European added value.

Result/impact indicators
“SMART” indicators to measures the impact of the project:
“Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely”.

Deadline for submission
►The first call for proposal in “Pilot and market replication projects” opened April 20, 2008 and the deadline for submission it will be September 10, 2009 17h00.
►Electronic submission only through EPSS system.

Closing date for submission of applications September 10, 2009 17h00
Estimated date of completion of the evaluation: January 2010
Estimated date for the notification of applicants from February 2010 onwards
Estimated period for negotiations February/March 2010
Estimated date for signature of contracts from March 2010 onwards

Advice on borderline to other funding programmes:

  • Project oriented to public authorities should be presented to LIFE+;
  • Projects at research stage with high technology risks: DG RTD;
  • Projects with a very high financial risk: EIP financing instruments;
  • Projects focusing on energy efficiency or renewable energy sources: IEE;
  • Projects focusing on land-use, urban planning and water management: Life+ or to DG RTD.

How to apply for funding 2009:
►Results/impact indicators “SMART” (Specific , Meusurable, Achievable, Realist, Timely)
►Bottom up costing is required (7% total eligible costs for overheads)
►Planning your proposal , starting point from existing situation and business plan ; market annlysis, existing prototypes.
►Replication potential, clear possibilities for the market replication
►Call 2009 selection criteria (the total threshold at least is 34) :
- Relvant of the action
- Quality of the proposed actions
- Impact of target audience
- Budget and cost effectiveness
- European add value

For further information:

Entry created by Leonardo Piccinetti on April 20, 2009
Modified on April 20, 2009