News archive - [Event Announcement] International Conference on Innovation in Skopje

The conference will explore how businesses, NGOs, governments and institutions of higher education in other parts of the world working individually or collaboratively to secure a better economic future and examine future trends as well as current success stories.

Topics for the Conference:

  • Innovation & Economic Development - Economic Policy, Small & Mid-sized Enterprires, R&D in the Private Sector
  • Private / Public Partnerships in Macedonia, the Balkans and Internationally
  • Education & Training
  • Innovation in Industry

Date and Time: 24 March 2009–27 March 2009
Venue: Skopje, FYRo Macedonia

The Fulbright Academy conference explores innovation in "small places". USA, India, China and other big countries do not have a monopoly on innovation - some fascinating developments are coming out of smaller countries, such as the countries in South East Europe.

These countries are laboratories for innovation - economic innovation, social innovation, scientific innovation. Because of their size, they can be rapid adopters of new ideas and technologies. In addition, some of these small jurisdictions have carved out and maintain a niche in the global economy. How does this happen? What can leaders in other countries, businesses and organizations learn from your experiences?

The organisers expect around 150 participants from over 20 countries.

Registration information:

Registration fee: of $75 for Macedonian citizens and for Fulbrighters and guests from neighboring countries; regular registration is $400, or $300 for Fulbright scholars and alumni.

Organized and sponsored by:

  • Ss Cyril & Methodius University
  • FON University
  • University American College
  • The Seavus Group
  • Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation
  • Fulbright Academy of Science & Technology

Source: Newsletter of the Fulbright Academy, January 21, 2009.


Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 22, 2009
Modified on January 22, 2009