News archive - Call for Evaluators for the South Eastern European ERA-NET PLUS Call

EVAL-INCO is a database of evaluators which is used to facilitate the  assessment of proposals for research projects, submitted in the context  of the Joint Calls of regional ERA-NETs. Currently, EVAL-INCO is especially  looking for evaluators for the call of the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Call ( in the fields of AgroFood and ICT.

For this call, evaluators for the following subtopics are needed:

In the field of AgroFood:
a. Preservation of indigenous species and traditional food products (in SEE/WBC)
b. Interdisciplinary field: Land use impact in agriculture on biodiversity

In the field of ICT:
c. Software systems for learning process management and support
d. ICT for energy efficiency

Within the regional ERA-NETs of the FP7 programme of the European Commission research cooperation between scientists from the EU Members and third countries is promoted. Within the Joint Calls of these ERA.NETs research projects and networks in different scientific fields are supported.

Through its Project Manager, PT-DLR, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) will be involved in several regional ERA-NET projects under the 7th Framework Programme, starting from November 2008. In particular, it is foreseen that PT-DLR will be entrusted the management of several joint calls for proposals, of which the first is the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS call.

The database of evaluators EVAL-INCO is first of all designed to facilitate the assessment of the proposals, submitted in the context of these calls.  All the proposals are evaluated with the help of independent experts (peer review). The results of the peer review evaluation form the basis for the funding decision within the respective ERA.NET.

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Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 14, 2009
Modified on September 14, 2009