Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship (MELE) - Directorate for SMEs


The Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship (MELE) is the central government institution in charge of implementing the national policy in the field of SMEs. The Ministry’s responsibility for the “entrepreneurship” sector lies with the SMEs and Cooperatives Directorate, the Crafts Directorate and the Investment Promotion and Export Directorate.
The SMEs and Cooperatives Directorate implement measures and activities for the development of entrepreneurship through promotion, education of entrepreneurs, technical assistance, local financing, institutional capacity building and commercialisation of innovation. It also encourages the clustering and networking of entrepreneurs, implements measures for the development of SMEs and cooperatives, improves entrepreneurial and managerial skills, undertakes the harmonization of legal framework with EU regulations and implements measures for international co-operation and export and investment promotion.
The Crafts Directorate focuses on crafts development, registration and vocational training. It implements and coordinates measures and activities for the development of the crafts sector, promotes crafts at international fairs, makes proposals for laws and regulations, provides interpretations and explanations related to laws and regulations, monitors implementation and ensures execution of laws and other regulations.
Economic Development, Export and Investment Directorate performs the tasks that refer to the elaboration of the investment promotion and export strategies and their implementation, the development of free zones, industrial zones, clusters, technological parks and districts, the elimination of obstacles for investments and regional development. The Directorate makes proposals for the implementation of economic policy measures aiming at enhancing domestic and foreign investments for the purpose of regional development. It implements the activities related to advertising and promotion of conditions for investing in the Croatian economy and the security of such investments, and it participates in tasks related to international projects, etc. The responsibilities of this Directorate also include the assessment and approval of the use of incentive measure and preparation and implementation projects and EU programmes.

In performing these tasks, the SMEs and Cooperatives Division cooperates with other government bodies (other ministries and public bodies supporting SMEs), regional and local self-government units, institutions and associations of entrepreneurs. In Croatia, there is, in fact, a long tradition of representation of SME interests, at both the national and the sub-national level. Various interests of the private sector and/or the SMEs more specifically are thus represented through the Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK), the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK), Croatian Employers Association (HUP), Croatian Co-operatives Association (HSZ), Association of SMEs, Croatian Exporters Association, Women Entrepreneurs Association etc. In the past several years these institutions have grown in importance and asserted themselves as partners in the policy making process. Dialogue with the Government takes place in fora of socio-economic dialogue such as the Economic and Social Council (tripartite body facilitating dialogue between the Government, business and trade unions), and the National Competitiveness Committee, as well as in the relevant Committees of the Croatian Parliament. Further details on the relevant policy-making partners are given below.

Contact persons:
Economic Development, Export and Investment Directorate
Sanja Rendić-Miočević, Director

Department for SMEs
Brankica Novosel, Director



Department / Unit
Directorate for SMEs
  • Government/Ministry
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact details
Phone:+385 1 6106 111
Fax:+ 385 1 6109 110
Address:Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagreb
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Croatia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on May 29, 2012
Modified on April 10, 2014