Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development


The CEED is a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development that supports entrepreneurs by providing know-how and networks they need to accelerate the growth of their businesses. CEED Macedonia is part of the international network operating in South-eastern Europe. Its mission is to provide entrepreneurs and their executive teams the know-how and networks they need to accelerate the growth of their businesses and to promote an entrepreneurial culture in the broader society. It offers Training, Consulting and Networking for the participants in its programs.
Currently, the CEED is up taking the CEED Access to Finance - a pilot project with an aim to develop new channel for access to finance that will enable enterprises to enhance their financial stability, propensity for investments, efficiency, growth, expert and opening of new job posts. The goal is to build up on the previous experience, to develop a sustainable model for access to finance and to implement the model in the other countries in the region. It is organized by CEED and supported by the regional USAID Partners for financial stability in cooperation with USAID Competitiveness Project and the BAS Program of EBRD.

Contact Person:
Valbona Nuredini, Administrative and Financial Officer
E-mail: valbona@ceed-kosovo.org

Kreshnik Lleshi, Country Director
E-mail: kreshnik@ceed-kosovo.org

Further contact details are provided below.

  • Network
Republic of North Macedonia
Contact details
E-Mail: ceed@ceed.com.mk
Phone:+ 389 2 3079 611
Address:Bukureska 3,, 1000 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Marko Groboljsek on June 26, 2012
Modified on June 28, 2012