Cluster Sombor Farms, Serbia

Кластер Сомборски салаши

The Cluster’s mission is to preserve the unique rural environment and present it to the market. Cluster consists of 30 companies with 300 employees that collaborate with one scientific research institution.

The main activities of the cluster are to:

·Organise and promote, alone or in co-operation with other organisations, classic and environmental agricultural production, rural tourism and traditional presentation of the contents of agricultural holdings;

·Organise and promote marketing performance and marketing activities related to classical and ecological agricultural production, rural tourism and traditional presentation of the contents of agricultural holdings;

·Organise, alone or in co-operation with other organisations, professional meetings, conferences, seminars and other forms of education in the field of conservation and development of agricultural holdings;

·Organise experts to work on education in the field of conservation and development of agricultural holdings;

·Collaborate with universities, schools, professional associations and other organisations at home and abroad that deal with conservation and development of agricultural holdings.

Contact person:

Branko Mileševac, coordinator of the Cluster Development

  • Cluster/Incubator/Innovation Infrastructure
Contact details
Phone:+381 25 443 088
Fax:+381 25 443 055
Address:Branislav Nušić 13, 25000 Sombor
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on October 24, 2012
Modified on October 24, 2012