Austrian Institute for International Affairs

The Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) is an independent, none-profit research center. The oiip was the first Institute in Austria to focus on globalisation, European integration, comprehensive security, and the comparative study of international affairs. Established in 1978 by the then Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, the Institute has advised on public policy, conducted primary scientific research, supported the international academic exchange, and played a key role in hosting international conferences and as a venue for second track-diplomacy. Members of the Institute publish widely, are consulted by the government, and regularly feature in the national media. The Institute maintains a number of publications, and works closely with other national and international research institutions. The institute has 4 basic areas: 1. Basic Research to questions of Comprehensive Human Cecurity in International Relations and in Comparative Regional Research (Africa, Asia, Mediterrean and Turkey, Middle East, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, USA, and Western Europe) 2. Applied Research and scientific policy advice 3. Publications 4. Events The oiip represents Austria in a number of international associations, and enjoys bilateral contacts with over three-dozen international research Institutes.The Supervisory Board reflects the heritage of the oiip and its important role in providing advice on public policy. Past and present Board Members include national politicians as well as the leading figures of various ministries, public bodies, and important private institutions.Director of the oiip is Prof. Otmar Hoell, President of the Board is Austrian Chancellor Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer.
Contact details
Phone:++43/1/581 11 06
Fax:++43/1/581 11 06 10
Address: Operngasse 20 B 1040 Vienna
Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 9, 2009
Modified on February 9, 2009