Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship - Croatia


The Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship conducts active policy of employment and administrative and other work concerning industry, except food and tobacco industry; shipbuilding; energy; mining; crafts; cooperatives, except agricultural; small and medium entrepreneurship; trade; trade politics; national production protection politics; economic cooperation with foreign countries; involvement in European economic integration; coordination of activities concerning Croatia's membership in the World Trade Organization and participation in multilateral trade negotiations within the framework of this organization; export and foreign investment promotion; establishment and development of entrepreneurial and free zones, situation and market appearances;supply and prices; consumer protection; strategic commodity reserves; privatization of shares and stakes in companies owned by the Republic of Croatia; restructuring and recovery of legal entities.

The Ministry conducts administrative and other work concerning: work relations; labour market and employment; relationships with unions and employers' associations; labour law status of Croatian citizens employed in foreign countries and work concerning their return and employment in the county; labour law status of aliens employed in the Republic of Croatia; occupational safety; international cooperation in labour and employment sector and pension and disability insurance system and policy.

The Ministry conducts work concerning: promotion and systematic enhancement of crafts, cooperatives, except agricultural, small and medium entrepreneurship; effects of economic system instruments and economic policies and measures on the development of crafts, cooperatives, small and medium entrepreneurship and business activities of craftsmen and entrepreneurs; realisation of international cooperation, implementation of special programs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia in the area of crafts, cooperatives, small and medium entrepreneurship.


Source:, as accessed on December 11, 2008.

Contact details
Phone:+385 1 610 6951
Fax:+385 1 610 9116
Address: Ulica grada Vukovara 78 10 000 Zagreb
Geographical focus
  • Croatia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 11, 2008
Modified on December 11, 2008