Ofir Ltd.

Situated in Osijek, eastern part of Croatia, Ofir Ltd. profiled itself as an IT company in 2002. Idea was to develop small, flexible company (team of young professionals who are willing to learn constantly) which is able to tackle IT challenges in local area as well as other, foreign (neighbor) countries. Until today I believe that we are on good path to achieve this mission and of course to do a step forward. That step forward is exactly participation in EU or similar international projects. Our core business is web development (designing, programming, implementing). In last couple of months we are working on custom made business support software and constantly improving our web shop and e-learning (for local University) solutions. Most of our applications are made in PHP language connected with MySQL databases. So all work regarding web (let's say from a starch to final promotion) is our main activity. On the other hand we have computer maintenance services (which is basically oriented only to clients in our county). Team consisting of 5-10 members (depending on size of project) is able to help as trustfully partner.Currently we are participating in two Fp7 consortiums which are waiting for project evaluation and two EU LLP Grundtvig projects (Learning Partnership - evaluation proces, In Service Training – approval nr. 2011-1-HR1-GRU03-00603). Just with widening our perspective and refreshing our (local and foreign) experience constantly we will be able to grow our business and succeed in our mission - doing work on mutual trust and satisfaction.
Contact details
E-Mail: info@ofir.hr
Address: Ramska 20, HR - 31000 Osijek
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
Related users

Entry created by Milan Puvaca on April 29, 2011
Modified on April 29, 2011