Ms Marijana Loncar Velkova

President of the Consumers' Organisation of Macedonia
Academic title
MPPM- Master of Public Policy Management
Additional information
 Part time expert on the PHARE Project MA9604/0301 : Approximation of law, 1998/99 November/ march  GTZ Project coordinator of the German Technical Cooperation based on the under bilateral financial agreement between German and Macedonian Government for the project : Consumer Protection Promotion support - for the Consumers Organization of Macedonia, since 1998 April – 2005March  In the scope of the Phare CICPP II coordinator for the project – Consumers participation in the Public Utilities – in the Republic of Macedonia – part of the comparative study of the situation in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovak Republic and Macedonia 1998 January – 2000 January  Active participation in the Macedonian Ministry’s of Trade ( now Ministry of Economy) - Group for preparation of the Consumers Protection Law – CPL in the Republic of Macedonia , enactment in July 2000  Coordinator of the USAID – ISC Project : Implementation of the Consumers protection law / working with the target groups, (1998-2000)  Local expert in the EU – Funded Project managed by the European Agency for reconstruction: Technical Assistance to draft trade laws ( 2003-2004)  Member of the Steering Committee for an EU funded Project Approximation of the Trade legislation managed by the European Agency for reconstruction(2004-2005)  Coordinator of the Yomag net. Project for participation of the Macedonian High Schools students on the Yomag on line (EU magazine for youth) (2003-2004)  Coordinator for the project of CGWG (Consumers’ Global Watch Group) for Macedonia, Consumers International Project that included Poland, Russia, Lebanon, Jordan and Macedonia (2004-2005)  Consultant on the GTZ Project: Strengthening of the consumer protection on the municipality level 2006-2007 GTZ International Services in partnership with Eurecna - Since Nov. 2007 until May 2009 Podgorica, Montenegro Component Leader- Consumer Protection Component TRIM-MNE EU Approximation in Trade and Single Market policies (An EU funded Project managed by the Delegation of EU Commission in Montenegro) Management of CP Component; training Government and |NGO sector in Montenegro; support the preparation and following implementation of the National Consumer Protection Programme and additional Consumer protection normative solutions; support functioning governmental and non-governmental institutions in accordance to ensuring efficient protection of consumers; Support the establishing of the ADR procedure and functioning of Arbitration Board; improve the Consumer Complaints mechanism; organizing a consumer campaign for public awareness, etc
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