Mr Endrit Kullaj

Academic title
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At the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana, Tirana, ALBANIA I’m responsible for the following courses: Biology of Horticultural Crops, Tree Fruit Ecophysiology, Organic Orcharding, Fruit Genetic Resources, Fruit Breeding. My research objective is ORGANIC FRUIT GROWING through research activities in genetics and physiology of resistance to biotic/abiotic stress, biological control, eco-efficiencies of agroecosystems, etc. At this stage, I’m trying to collect and evaluate indigenous fruit genotypes and screen them for resistance to key pests and diseases. By the time such information would be available, I’m getting trainings and short specialisation stages on the use of molecular markers, especially SSR (microsatellites), DNA fingerprinting, genome mapping, etc.
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