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... This Austrian programme offers professors and assistants of public universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and FYR of Macedonia the possibility to spend one month at an Austrian university for a research visit provided an Austrian university institution is ready to ensure the supervision. Important Documents & Links see Questions and Answers Statement of Advisor Application form Target area: Higher Education ...
37% Global Innovation Index 2012 Document 15. Jul. 2012
Global Innovation Index logo© INSEAD, 2011 The 2012 GII model includes 141 countries that represent 94.9% of the world's population and 99.4% of the world's GDP. The top 10 include Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Hong Kong (SAR, China), Ireland, and the United States. Most of the old EU member states (EU-15) are in the top 30 of the GII ranking. However, some of the new member states, namely Malta (16th), Estonia (19th), Slovenia (26th), Czech ...
... For further information also read: GII 2012 Albania (pdf, 69.25Kb) GII 2012 BiH (pdf, 68.16Kb) GII 2012 Croatia (pdf, 68Kb) GII 2012 FYR of Macedonia (pdf, 68.54Kb) GII 2012 Montenegro (pdf, 70.23Kb) GII 2012 Serbia (pdf, 68.21Kb) INSEAD, a leading graduate business school with three campuses on two continents, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a specialized agency of the United Nations), on Tuesday 3 July released their Global Innovation Index ...
The report, which reflects the framework of the Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué, is the result of a joint effort by Eurostat, Eurydice as well as by Eurostudent and has been overseen by the Bologna Follow-up Group and more specifically by a working group established by the latter. In line with the specific mission and methodology of the aforementioned data collectors, the report describes the state of implementation of the Bologna Process in 2012 from various perspectives and with data ...
... instruments for the Commission to support transformation in the candidate countries. The whole Western Balkans region is moving ahead. Croatia will become the 28th member of the EU next year. Serbia was granted candidate status this March. We have launched High Level Accession Dialogues with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and High Level Dialogue on Accession with Bosnia and Herzegovina. We agreed on a list of deliverables on the key priorities with Albania. We also launched a Feasibility Study with Kosovo this spring. This progress and continuing interest of the countries in our immediate neighbourhood - and beyond - to join the ...
... and political frameworks into consideration." Read more in the policy brief attached below. The project "Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans" (WBinNO), - WBC-INCO.NET's project of the month June 2012 - successfully organised the workshop: "From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia" in Sarajevo, on June 5-6 2012. Now, a policy brief called: "Governing Innovation Policy in the Western Balkans" has been published summarising the main findings and massages from the workshop ...
Abstract  The necessity of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as formulated in the Kyoto Protocol, imposes the need for improving environmental aspects of existing thermal power plants operation. Improvements can be reached either by efficiency increment or by implementation of emission reduction measures. Investments in refurbishment of existing plant components or in plant upgrading by flue gas desulphurization, by primary and secondary measures of nitrogen oxides reduction, or ...
Most of the concepts developed here are based on the previous experience that the European Commission has gained over the years by working with the regions through initiatives such as STRIDE and the PRAIS, as well as the former RIS. It also gained from comparative studies by the OECD in this field. This guide intends to highlight new features and aspects that improve the previous knowledge and make innovation strategies and policies more effective. Countries and regions that already have ...
... by the World Bank, as a “Strumica” Incubator with aiming to provide various services for its tenants ranging from trainings and consultancy, accountancy and other financials services to legal and managerial services. Now the ABDC aims to support farmers, traders and food processors in Strumica region and wider of Southeast Macedonia. Part of ABDC services are information regarding EU programs, web portal with current prices of agriculture products, trainings, laboratory services, etc. Contact Person: Nicholas Trendov E-mail: Further contact details are provided below.
... The CEED is a Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development that supports entrepreneurs by providing know-how and networks they need to accelerate the growth of their businesses. CEED Macedonia is part of the international network operating in South-eastern Europe. Its mission is to provide entrepreneurs and their executive teams the know-how and networks they need to accelerate the growth of their businesses and to promote an entrepreneurial culture in the broader society. It offers Training, Consulting and Networking for ...
34% Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation Organisation 26. Jun. 2012
... supports the development of small enterprises. The target group of MEDF is the small enterprises, comprising, according to the number of employees, micro enterprises (up to 10 employees), small enterprises (up to 50 employees) and medium-sized enterprises (up to 250 employees). The MEDF acts on the territory of FYR of Macedonia with a special focus on regions outside Skopje and rural areas. The MEDF will also act outside of the country in order to transfer its long-term experiences. The long-term goals of MEDF are: • Improved access to financial services; • Promotion of entrepreneurship; • Innovations are mainstreamed; • Partnerships are developed; and • Institutional and ...
... businesses. The Council was set up in early 2003. The mission of the Council is to raise the dialogue of the private, civil and public sectors to the level of a strategic and long-term partnership to make major contribution in the building of the economic prosperity of the FYR of Macedonia. The primary task of the NECC members is to work together on the development of national strategies aimed at improving the conditions for doing business that would help Macedonian companies, clusters and other active business associations to develop, promote and export their high value products and services and thus create ...
... and joint presentations at trade fairs; • Lobbying towards protecting the interests of the processing industry; • Establishing business communications with foreign companies and institutions; • Strengthening the cooperation with farmers and farmer associations; and • Establishing cooperation with private and public institutions, the business community and international projects active in the FYR of Macedonia. Contact person: Saso Risteski, Executive director E-mail: Further contact details are provided below. www ...
34% Cluster for Wood (KDI) Organisation 25. Jun. 2012
The Cluster for wood industry of the FYR of Macedonia is a member of the Southeast and Central European Cluster of Forest-based Clusters. Contact person: Nacko Simakoski, President E-mail: Further contact details are provided below. www.
34% Cluster for Wine, Foundation - Tikvesh wine path Organisation 25. Jun. 2012
... and representation on the Board from three ministries: economy, agriculture and culture, as well as representatives from the wine and tourism sector and member of the faculty of tourism in Ohrid. It is well and widely known as the first and only tourism, wine and food cluster in FYR of Macedonia. The foundation is a member of Iter Vitis – wine routes of Western Europe as well as WCTE network of South East Europe. The Tikvesh Wine Route foundation is working on the development of alternative tourism in the region, with special emphasis in wine tourism. It has accomplished several bigger and ...
... Established in 2000 by 15 leading Macedonian IT companies and supported by USAID, the Macedonian Association of Information Technology (MASIT) is the main association representing the information technology industry of FYR of Macedonia with more than 80 members. Its activities range from representation of its members’ interests, export promotion and business cooperation to promotion of innovation and new technologies through diffusing new technology, analyzing new trends or setting technical standards. As a result of its successful lobbying activities and participation in policy making ...
... work in the respective region Quality of promotion activity Best value for the time and money spent Detailed cost overview  Call deadline: September 15, 2012 Announcement of results 01 October 2012   Who can apply? All WBC NCPs and their teams (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*) and their teams NCP-Host institution has to permit the application  Budget Maximal Costs per proposal 2450 EUR Evaluation of proposal will make experienced NCP Team from Austria, France, Italy and Turkey Realisation From October 2012 until May 2013 If you have any questions please don't hesitate ...
... The legal status of migrants Migrations and the standard of living The role of remittances Social aspects of migrations Migrations and the role of policies The relationship between migration and labour market Programme committee Prof. Jorde Jakimovski, PhD, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute for sociological political and juridical research, Macedonia Academician Taki Fiti, PhD, Macedonian academy of sciences and arts, Macedonia Academician Goce Petreski, PhD, Macedonian academy of sciences and arts, Macedonia Prof. Ferid Muhić, PhD, Macedonia Prof. Ljupcho Pechijareski, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of economics-Prilep, Macedonia Prof. Dimitar Eftimoski, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of administration and management information systems, Macedonia Prof. Mirjana Borota Popovski, PhD, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute for sociological political and juridical research, Macedonia Prof. Tibor Kiš, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of economics-Subotica, Serbia  Prof. Zoran ...
Topics inside this issue: HP-SEE provides new user communities in SEE fast track access to regional HPC resources HP-SEE to launch a pilot call of access to regional HPC resources South Caucasus NRENs are now IPv6 enabled HP-SEE and LinkSCEEM-2 signed Memorandum of Understanding GIM application  “Day of open doors for students in field of mathematics and informatics”,  Organization of  a short HPC centre tour for a group of students in IICT-BAS - HP-SEE’s Bioinformatics Portal - ...
... and Technology Horizontal Instrument on Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation. Additional information about the programme Eligible Applicants All public and private bodies in CEI Member States as well as international organisations and other regional bodies. Eligible countries: Albania Austria Belarus Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Italy FYR of Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine Indicative Timetable for the Evaluation of Applications Deadline for submission of Applications: please note that the deadline for the submission of applications has been postponed to 20 July 2012. Evaluation of Applications: July-September 2012 Acknowledging applicants (qualified; rejected): publication ...
99% Automotive Cluster of Macedonia Organisation 20. Jun. 2012
... The Automotive Cluster of Macedonia is a networking association of companies from the automotive industry, technical faculties and similar organizations in FYR of Macedonia. Established 2008 as a joint initiative of GTZ, the USAID Macedonia Competitiveness Project and companies from the Macedonian Automotive Industry, the main objective of the Automotive Cluster of Macedonia is to increase the competitiveness of its companies in order to foster growth and development of the automotive industry. To this end, the ACM pursues various activities ranging from representation and promotion ...
... knowledge, technology and resources which are essential for the implementation of an innovation. The services of the i2b are the following: Matchmaking between domestic innovators and investors, facilitating the commercialization of innovation, analysis of the present situation relevant for innovations and their commercialization; Locating innovators and innovations in FYR of Macedonia and their turn into profitable businesses; Offering support to innovators for attracting potential investors; Training for innovators for commercialization of innovations; Implementation of educational programs in business, attracting investors, structuring investment deals etc.; Locating potential investors for Macedonian innovations; support to investors in locating favourable opportunities to invest; Support in ...
... Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (FEEIT), University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, developed a model for offices for international technology transfer 2002-2004 and established a Centre of Technology Transfer. The Centre’s main scope of activities is in research activities and technology transfer to interested companies within FYR of Macedonia, but the Centre is also open for wider (international) collaboration. Within this centre there are: • Distance learning centre • Project management centre • Engineering mathematics centre Contact Persons: Prof. Dr Vlatko Stoilkov, Deputy Manager of CTT E-mail: Mile Stankovski, Dean of FEEIT E-mail: ...
... Invest Macedonia is the primary government institution supporting foreign investment in the FYR of Macedonia. The agency’s main goal is to win new investment projects into FYR of Macedonia and to support the expansion of the existing base of overseas companies in the country. The Agency assists investors in every way it can help to objectively evaluate FYR of Macedonia as a location for ...
... Professor, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UK) Industrial upgrading in Western Balkans and policy implications: pointers for discussion Country Report presentations: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Anto Domazet, Almir Pestek) Croatia (Zoran Aralica, Denis Redzepagic) FYR of Macedonia (Slavica Roceska, Gjorgji Mancheski, Olivera Kostoska, Marjan Angeleski) Serbia (Djuro Kutlaca, Marija Mosurovic Ruzicic) As a part of the project Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans (WBinNO), the workshop: "From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia" was successfully held ...
... Professor, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UK) Industrial upgrading in Western Balkans and policy implications: pointers for discussion Country Report presentations: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Anto Domazet, Almir Pestek) Croatia (Zoran Aralica, Denis Redzepagic) FYR of Macedonia (Slavica Roceska, Gjorgji Mancheski, Olivera Kostoska, Marjan Angeleski) Serbia (Djuro Kutlaca, Marija Mosurovic Ruzicic) As a part of the project Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans (WBinNO), the workshop: From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia was successfully held ...
TEMPUS promotes institutional cooperation between the European Union and Partner Countries, which focuses on reform of higher education systems and universities. Under Action 3, the EU supports national teams of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) in the Tempus Partner Countries. HEREs are usually Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans, senior academics, Directors of Study, International Relations Officers and students. They provide a pool of expertise, promoting and enhancing progress toward ...
... all living aspects, creating modern and efficient citizen and business services. National strategy for developing electronic communications with information technologies6: The basic challenge of the strategy is to enable the aggressive implementation and massive, efficient utilization of electronic communications and information technologies, which will assist the involvement of FYR of Macedonia in the global net economy and the achievement of leap frogging in the economy.  The main projects of this ministry which may impact the innovation in the business sector are: • E-Infrastructure (; • Е-Government ( ...
This document includes basic information about the national road transport sector, infrastructure and industry, and information about national road transport research, including objectives, strategies, resources, RTD programmes and research themes. It further provides an excellent use of comparing national activities with EU activities and ERTRAC’s research priorities, and to draw conclusions for reducing fragmentation and increasing harmonisation of funding programmes. Initial input for this ...
... Objectives The contribution of universities and public research organisations in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia to economic development is not yet fully recognised, and knowledge transfer is just beginning to gain importance: Universities need to develop concepts for joint research with industry, intellectual property management, and university spin-offs. Research personnel and students need to be trained in knowledge transfer issues. Companies need ...
37% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring/Summer 2012 Document 14. Jun. 2012
Two other important events took place in Tirana on June 12–13: the WBC-INCO.NET Innovation Dialogue Forum focusing on the Action Plan to increase innovation capacities in the region, and the Knowledge Transfer Study workshop, which is part of a workshop series covering 39 European countries in 2011 and 2012. This workshop was intended to discuss the status and challenges of knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutes, as well as good practices which are visible. It was ...
... of the OECD and will contain insights about conditions and needs in the field of innovation as well as measures and recommendations for its promotion. The government of the FYR of Macedonia pursues also an active cluster policy. In January 2010, a Programme for the development and support of cluster association in the FYR of Macedonia was adopted. Its main objectives were to prepare a guide for clusters, conduct awareness-raising seminars for clustering and provide support for projects of cluster association. There ...
36% Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) Organisation 14. Jun. 2012
... Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Food Production, Informative technology, Water resource management and Earthquake Engineering. FYR of Macedonia maintains scientific and research cooperation with more than 35 countries. With some of them, FYR of Macedonia has concluded inter-ministerial protocols, memoranda of understanding and other forms of official cooperation. It has also established intergovernmental cooperation in terms of umbrella agreements on educational, cultural and scientific research cooperation. There is ...
... department also participates in the implementation of the annual programmes for support of entrepreneurship, competitiveness and innovation of SMEs. During 2010, the Ministry of Economy, through its department for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness of SMEs, implemented the European Innovation Scoreboard, a pioneer research in the area of innovation in FYR of Macedonia. The department was also in charge for the introduction of a craft strategy. There is a yearly program (open call competition) that financially supports business start-up centres and business incubators. The department is also involved in the preparation of innovation policy (2012-2020) in cooperation with OECD. Contact persons: Imerali Baftijari ...
... incentives, accelerating commercialization and deepening collaboration with the business sector Increasing business R&D and facilitating innovative start-up companies, linking research and innovation with business and society Contributions from stakeholders 28 contributions from the following countries: 8 from Serbia 5 from Germany 5 from Croatia 4 from FYR of Macedonia 4 from Netherlands 3 from BiH 3 from Albania 1 from each of Romania, Greece, UK, Spain and France 11 contributions were not taken into account as they were in essence either: R&D and demonstration project proposals or tools with no indication as to how they could be ...
Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Denmark) and a country from the region (for this meeting: Albania). The invitation to the meeting as well as the draft agenda are attached. Please find the presentations attached below.Please see also the link to the progress reports. The 12th ...
... Break 11:20 Panel Discussion: Innovation policy learning from Norway in Western Balkans. (Leader: Slavo Radošević, Professor, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UK) 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Country Report presentation: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia. 16:00 Coffee Break 16:20 Panel Discussion: Innovation policy learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Leader: Josef Pöschl, economist, WIIW Vienna, Austria) 17:30 Concluding comments There is no cost to attend the seminar. To confirm your participation, please send an e-mail to or ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Tirana on June 12/13, 2012. The previous reports can be accessed at and ...
... having impact on the national competitiveness in the regional and global economy. Innovation systems in small, landlocked developing countries are, inherently problematic, characterized by poor business and governance conditions, low educational levels and meritocratic infrastructure. This raises particular challenges for introducing structured innovative models in small developing countries such as Macedonia. The aim of this paper is to touch upon certain anomalies of the Macedonian innovation system and, at the same time, to entice the much needed debate on the triple helix innovation system formation in Macedonia. Mirjana Todorovska, Bratislav Stankovic
This paper studies the variable impact of the global economic crisis on the post-communist countries of South East Europe and Turkey. The central question is whether the institutional reforms introduced in the former group of countries during the transition period have improved their ability to cope with external shocks. The transmission mechanisms of the crisis to the region are identified as contractions of credit, foreign direct investment, remittances, and exports, and their variable ...
Bloomberg, the world's most trusted source of data, news, analytic and trading tools for businesses and financial professionals, has acquired in 2009 New Energy Finance, the leading provider of independent analysis, data and news in the clean energy and carbon markets. The report commissioned by the CEI, quite comprehensive but very conservative in its approach, elaborates two main scenarios: 1)      a fuel-demand scenario showing what it would take to replace 10% ...
34% The Centre for Plasma Technologies Organisation 21. May. 2012
The Centre for Plasma Technologies – PLASMA D.O.O is a private company, established in March 2004 by three founders. The CEO of PLASMA is Ass. Prof. Dr. Ilija Nasov. PLASMA numbers 10 employees: PhD, engineers, scientists, technicians and outside scientific collaborators. The Centre for Plasma Technologies – Plasma D.O.O has established knowledge in the fields of materials surface treatment. As an industry oriented R&D Centre, PLASMA D.O.O is pooling competencies in the areas of ...
... In the process of society‘s "Europeisation ", in addition to the well-known Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), from 2007 onwards FYR of Macedonia disposes with and can benefit from funds made available under the Community Programmes. Community Programmes are instruments used to create "European added value", particularly in areas that require deeper integration (scientific and research activities, innovations, education, culture, industrial policy, social policy, etc.). In broader terms, these programmes are the mechanisms ...
According to the innovation market and research needs identified in the frame of two surveys conducted in Task 8.1 (“Stocktaking”) which were presented in the last issue of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal, as well as according to the results obtained during the First Innovation Dialogue Forum held in Becici/Montenegro on November 8-9, 2010, examples of good practice in the EU Member States and in the Western Balkan countries have been collected. This online publication includes a collection of 45 ...
36% ERA Fabric Map Document 20. May. 2012
This ERA fabric map provides a starting point for the implementation of the 'Visions for the ERA' (VERA) project by giving a snapshot of the ERA today in support of developing alternative future scenarios for its evolution and by mapping current involvement of stakeholders in ERA. It looks at division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, ...
... of different methods are used to provide a better understanding of how different actors are related to the innovation system as a whole. Funding for the project was provided by the Research Council Norway. The WBinNO project is a partnership of five institutes located in Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia and is led by Mark Knell of the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Oslo, Norway. On Wednesday, 6 June 2010 the project organised a workshop in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Innovation Policy Learning in the Western Balkans. The workshop offered ideas on ...
PARTICIPANTS Conference will gather participants representing a variety of institutions, experiences and responsibilities including representatives of international organizations, higher education authorities, universities and NGO’s. COLLOCATED EVENTS Petrovac Conference will have three collocated events, related to the STREW project, which will take place on May 25th, 2012: Meeting of Strategic Working Group, (morning) Meeting of Rectors Working Group, (morning)  Steering Committee ...
... Eligible Institutions for participation in the programme are: Albanian Ministry of Education and Science; Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports; Kosovo*Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; FYR Macedonia Ministry of Education; Republic of Moldova Ministry of Education; Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Sports and Ministry of Science; Romanian Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports; and Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. Austrian Co-Chairmanship of the TF FBHC will make available grants for participation of representatives from the ...
... CEEPUS at a glance: Who is a member? Current member countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Prishtina/Kosovo is also participating. What is the legal basis? The legal basis for CEEPUS is an international Agreement signed by the member states and open for accession. What is the organizational structure? CEEPUS is based on lean management ...
... Gerald Stanek, Vienna H. Joachim Seitz, Hamburg, Narinder K. Mehra, New Delhi     Hans-Willi Mittruecker, Hamburg Concept of the School The primary aim of this summer school is to teach immunology to young investigators in immunology from South-East Europe, i.e. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. This region needs help to establish a state-of-the-art immunology. Infrastructure and equipment of most of the institutes of immunology in the South of this region are still underdeveloped, but immunological societies in these countries have been or are being formed. Another aim of the school is to ...
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