EUREKA is an intergovernmental network, gathering 38 members including the European Commission, created to support leading edge industrial R&D and promote cross-border cooperation. The Ministerial Conference meeting will focus on the EUREKA revised strategy, the accession of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to EUREKA, and EUREKA key projects. “For more than 20 years EUREKA has contributed to the competitiveness of European industry and the fostering of trans-national cooperation. Collaboration between EUREKA and the European Commission goes back just as long, and in recent years clearly obtained a new dynamic and élan”, the ...
... cover 100 % of the regions’ energy demand by renewable and locally available sources. Target Regions: All regions are located in rural, remote and disadvantaged areas. Greece: Milos Island, Cyclades Islands Germany/Austria: Achental, Bavaria/ Leukental, Tyrol Italy: Mountain Community of Limina, Calabria Serbia and Montenegro: Kragujevac-Knic Region FYR of Macedonia: Podbelasica Region Albania: Bregu Region Project Results: A common methodology for the integrated investigation of the regions’ energy demands. DOIRES (The Software for the definition of the optimum combination of Integrated Renewable Energy Systems (IRES)) Software Model for defining the optimum local combination of RE technologies according to the ...
... year and a half. The project, co-funded by the European Commission, has a budget of 1.2 million EUR and comprises three components: EU-Western Balkan Chamber partnerships; a survey on Foreign Direct Investment; and participation in EUROCHAMBRES' Academies. Chambers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are eligible ...
The document is a catalogue of all specific targeted research projects (STREPs) and coordination actions projects (CAs) supported under the specific programme “International Cooperation - Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area” of the 6th Framework programme. Each project is identified by its objectives, its activity area and the expected results and includes the list of all participating organisations and contact persons. European Commission (2008): International Cooperation ...
... Area Period: 01/01/2005 to 31/12/2007 Budget from EC: EUR 699 118 Coordinator: Walter W. Wenzel, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) TRABOREMA Concepts for integrated transboundary water management and sustainable socio-economic development in the cross border region of Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Greece Period: 01/06/2004 to 31/05/2007 Budget from EC: EUR 1 000 000 Coordinator: Jürgen Wolfbauer, University of Leoben LPAMS Production process for industrial fabrication of low price amorphous-microcrystalline silicon solar cells Period: 01/10/2004 to 31/03/2008 Budget from EC ...
... gr Project co-ordinator: Gorgias Garofalakis ETAT EU contribution: 570,864 WBC partners: Sustainable Economic Development Agency (Albania), Agency for International, Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation (Montenegro), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture (Serbia), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Directorate for International Cooperation (Croatia) FOOD-N-CO cooperation network of national contact points with a special focus on third countries in the areas of food quality and safety and food, agriculture and biotechnology Contract n° ...
... from this, in April 2008, the BAFN team produced several reports that are likely to be of interest to researchers and policy-makers in this field. A position paper has been produced setting out the scientific fields considered priority areas for the agri-food sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. It stresses that capacity building, modernising research infrastructures, developing incentives for the purchase of equipment and researcher mobility are all key areas for development. The reports go on to recommend the following areas for further development: biodiversity, including the conservation of genetic resources and indigenous species; food safety ...
The ERA WESTBALKAN+ initiative is supporting the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in participating in the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7). This partnering event encourages researchers from WBC to find mainly suitable Greek partners for a consortium during the fourth/fifth open call in the thematic priority "ICT" (the next call is expected to be published in November 2008 ...
... euro's in total for 2 weeks. Besides an extensive academic program, exciting leisure activities such as parties, excursions, public debates, field trips and more will be organized. The deadline for application is the May 30, 2008. For more information please see: & SPARK. International Summer University Macedonia 2008 ISUM 2008 will be held July 7-20, 2008. This year it will be organized in Ohrid, a beautiful resort also known as 'the pearl of the Balkans'. 12 courses will be offered in the fields of Law, Economics, Business & Public Administration, Gender, Education Science and Teacher Training. Students ...
... the new era of longer-term sustainable Grid Infrastructure in Europe. The initiative is coordinated by the Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET) and the project consortium consists of representatives from Albania (Polytechnic University of Tirana), Armenia (IIAP-NAS-RA), Bosnia-Herzegovina (University of Banja Luka), Bulgaria (IPP-BAS), Croatia (RBI), F.Y.R. of Macedonia (UKIM), Georgia (GRENA), Hungary (MTA-SZTAKI), Moldova (RENAM), Montenegro (University of Montenegro), Romania (ICI), Serbia (University of Belgrade), Turkey (TUBITAK), as well as the European Centre of Nuclear Physics (CERN) in an advisory role. In order to ensure the necessary critical mass, thirty regional Research and Academic institutions have been selected ...
... competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The SEE Programme Area includes 16 countries. For 14 countries the eligible area is the whole territory of the country, namely for Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Moldova. In Italia and Ukraine only certain regions are eligible. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme is Hungarian National Development Agency. The global and specific objectives of the programme will be pursued through Priority Axes, which contribute differently to the specific programme ...
... social integration process and contribution to cohesion, stability and competitiveness through the development of transnational partnerships and joint actions on matters of strategic importance. The Managing Authority of the SEE Programme (Hungarian National Development Agency) and the partner states (Albania, Austria, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine) are launching the first call for projects for transnational cooperation in the South Eastern area of Europe to be co-financed by ERDF and IPA under this programme. In the first step, applicants are requested to submit an ...
The Regional Balkans Infrastructure Project, Transport - in the following referred to as REBIS - commenced in June 2002. The project is financed by the EU Commission and covers the Balkan countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRO Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro, including Kosovo which is under international administration in line with UNSCR 1244 of 10 June 1999. REBIS aims to assist these countries in developing coherent strategies for transport infrastructure development. It focuses in particular on the development of a regional Core Network and on the identification ...
... heavily oversubscribed. A low success rate has to be expected. Out of the 475 proposals submitted, 190 (!) are coordinated by Turkish institutions, 74 by Greek and then 38 by institutions from Serbia. 30 proposals were submitted from Poland and on the fifth rank is Croatia with 24 proposals. FYR of Macedonia was also very active with 12 proposals, from Montenegro 4 proposals were recorded. In total coordinators were from 18 member states (among those the most active apart from Greece and Poland are Bulgaria, Romania and Estonia with more than 10 proposals from those countries) and 6 associated countries (apart from ...
The report focuses on the process of implementing the Charter for Small Enterprises in the Western Balkans. The report represents the first comprehensive and comparative assessment of progress in the Western Balkan countries and UNMIK/Kosovo since they adopted the European Charter for Small Enterprises (the Charter) in 2003. Small enterprises are the backbone of the Western Balkan economies. They make a major contribution to job creation and economic development and are behind the expansion of ...
Due to the transition of this journal from the project, which is funded under FP6 and ends in April 2008, to the WBC-INCO.NET project, funded under FP7 from January 2008 till December 2011, several changes are currently being implemented, which are visible already. Changes made The layout has been professionalised by subcontracting a company focused on graphic design. Furthermore, the content has been enriched by the partners of the INCO-NET consortium and therefore, the volume ...
The COST day was organised by Katerina Sumanovska, representative of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the COST Committee of Senior Officials, and was opened by Jovan Lazarev, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Gorgi Martinovski, Rector and Velimir Stojkovski, Vice-Rector of the St. Cyril and Methodius University. Presentations by the COST Presidency and by the COST Office followed: “COST: Past, Present and Future” by ...
... DSR), part of the MOES, programmes and organises its own work in developing national and international programmes for research and development. In this framework, bilateral co-operation is very important for the scientific community. Bilateral Agreements on S&T Co-operation Albania has active bilateral agreements with Greece, Italy, FYR of Macedonia and Slovenia and hopes that Austria, Poland and Turkey will ratify agreements in their parliaments in order to sign the executive programmes. Several agreements were signed in the period of 2005 to 2007, but especially the SEE-ERA.NET project has contributed to the enlargement of bilateral cooperations. In the near ...
... in order to share costs, avoid overlapping of initiatives and level up their bargaining status vis-à-vis the information industry. In fact, by engaging with the country-wide community of libraries, has enabled the building of national library consortia in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UNMIK/Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia with a total membership of 373 libraries. Besides supporting the creation of local networks of libraries in almost every Balkan member country, has also attempted and encouraged to foster a greater regional co-operation based on the exchange of knowledge and experiences and showing success stories ...
... Albania: Environmental Security, Information Technology (IT), Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security.■ Bosnia & Herzegovina: Environmental Security, IT, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Defence Against Terrorism. ■ Croatia: Environmental Security, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Border Security / Transport Security.■ FYR of Macedonia: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security, Advance Technology.■ Montenegro: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics.■ Serbia: Environmental Security, IT, Biotechnology-Bioscience, Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes, Human & Societal Dynamics, Food Security, Advance Technology, Defence Against Terrorism. Budget:The amount of ...
... measure was to support the further development and differentiation of the national Science and Technology (S&T) system and S&T policy in the Western Balkan countries by benefiting from the German experiences and knowledge. Science administrators from the respective ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia participated in the management training in Bonn, Germany. The participants of the management training were introduced to the national S&T system and S&T policy of the Federal Republic of Germany including relevant aspects of European and international co-operation. Furthermore, they got an overview ...
... and 82 awards and recognitions for their innovations and new products as well as for their scientific contributions. Many of them are exporters to the international market with a focus on Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Egypt, Great Britain, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, and the FYR of Macedonia. Author Marijan Ožanić Technology Park Zagreb The Technology Park Zagreb was covered under the mapping exercise carried out by the project. Innovation Infrastructures (including science and technology parks, clusters, incubators, etc.) in all Western ...
... had no thematic restriction, but a networking approach and added value for solving society driven, current or upcoming problems in Kosovo, which had to be shown. In total, 39 eligible projects with partners from Austria, the ASO-countries Bulgaria and Slovenia, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia have been evaluated during the last weeks from local, regional and thematic experts. On March 17, 2008, the evaluation meetings took place in Vienna: Ten selected projects within the Kosovo-Call and nine projects within the Environment-Call were recommended for funding by the evaluators. During ...
The conference will bring together key decision makers in national science and education policies from thirty Central and Eastern European countries: Presidents of the Academies of Sciences, Ministers of Science and Education, and representatives of international funding agencies and professional organisations. The event will provide an opportunity for top policy makers to develop and enhance collaborations with their counterparts from across the region. The Science and Education Policies ...
Cordis Wire reports about the conclusion of the project on agri-food research in the Western Balkan Countries. The deliverables of the project consist of four BAFN Final reports: 4 National Mapping Reports (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM and Serbia),one Consolidated Mapping Report, one Synthesis report, and one Position Paper. These report form part of the "BALKAN AGRO FOOD NETWORK" (BAFN),a project which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission under the ...
A final book publication by the Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research ( summarised several reports produced during the last 2 years. Country reports were developed to describe the S&T systems of the Western Balkan countries. The full publication also includes a thematic report on S&T in Kosovo/UNMIK.
Dall, Elke (ed.): Science and Technology in the Western Balkans. Wien. 2008.
This is the article on Electronic Information for Libraries ( It discusses the possibilities of affordable access to e-resources to the countries in its network through cooperation with local libraries. Currently includes library consortia in 50 countries in Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, former Soviet Union, Africa, the Middle-East and South-east Asia. The goal of the member library consortia is to offer to many as possible developing and transition ...
The ERA Green Paper consultation generated a substantial response from those with a stake in European research, including individuals, universities, research performing and funding organisations, public authorities at national, regional and European level, NGOs, industries and businesses, associations representing commercial and non-commercial interests, chambers of commerce, European technology platforms and others, such as tradeunions. This report synthesises the response to the consultation ...
... counted as state-union for the full duration of FP6 statistics) have contracted 50 SSAs (compared to 44 of Croatia and 167 for all WBC). CA SSA STREP IP NoE Albania 4 24 7 1 1 BiH 8 25 13 4 0 Croatia 21 44 37 13 9 FYR of Macedonia 6 24 26 6 0 Serbia 12 50 30 13 4 Sum 51 167 113 37 14 Full data from FP6 is now available and allows analysis on the participation of Western Balkan countries in the programme. One open secret is that the Balkan countries were not really successful in ...
During the workshop selected participants of the programme, which will be implemented firstly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR of Macedonia, met the Swiss organisers (University of Fribourg / Swiss Development Cooperation) and discussed the importance of Social Sciences in the Western Balkan countries and some success stories from university institutes, NGOs and private universities. The afternoon was dedicated to parallel workshops which discussed topics such as "identities" or " ...
... Relations met in Brdo on the 29 March 2008 at the occasion of the informal Foreign Ministers’ meeting. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo, the EU Special Representative for Kosovo, the OHR/EUSR for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EUSR/HoD for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Secretary General of the Regional Co-operation Council were also present. I. The Presidency underlined that it is in our common interest that the Western Balkans countries proceed as rapidly as possible with political and economic reforms, reconciliation and protection of minority ethnic population, and progress towards the EU ...
... all links (i.e. 19 out of a total of 456) have been with German partners. For institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina most links were within the WBCs. Croatia, which is by far the country with most links (2359 counted), co-operates intensely with Germany, UK and Italy. The FYR of Macedonia again is strongly entangled with Greek and Serbian/Montenegrin partners, but also with Germans. Also the Netherlands are strong co-operation partners for researchers from Serbia and Montenegro, which was registred as one country in the EC database for the whole period of FP6. Obviously some countries submit far less proposals ...
This is a Report on a conference of science and technology in the Western Balkans, Brussels, January 17, 2008. At a conference in Brussels, on 17 January, the Romanian government led adiscussion among key opinion formers and stakeholders exploring how the EU’s research programmes could be applied to building up the region’s scientific and technological capabilities – and, ultimately, create a climate for faster economic growth and greater political stability. This publication includes a report ...
Synergies in funding opportunities between: 7th Framework Programme for Research, Competitiveness and Innovation Programme / Structural Funds Practical guide for EU funding opportunities for research, development and innovation, EC/DG Research, available from: EC, DG for Research
The Med Programme lies within the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation of the European Union.The Lisbon agenda clearly indicates that Europe should become a strongly competitive space, based on the knowledge economy. Its economic potential and attractiveness should be strengthened since European countries are insufficiently innovative to face international competition.Countries in the Mediterranean area should stand up for themselves in front of other European regions, and use the ...
Aims of the project: Motivation and reinforcement of young scientists to engage in the region Central and South East Europe;Presentation of research projects for the public;Promoting exchange of information and creation of networking;Promotion of mobility;Publication of the lectures in a well-known journal. Target group: Young scientists from/residing in Austria, Central and South East Europe dealing with South East Europe in the fields of economics, geography, history, law, political sciences ...
The document is accompanying the Communication from the Commission to the European and the Council. It elaborates in detail the steps taken so far and initiatives involving Western Balkans countries focusing on different fields: - moving closer towards the EU and enhancing regional cooperation - people-to-people contacts; familiarising people with the EU - civil society development and dialogue - good governance - parliamentary cooperation - trade integration - investment and economic and ...
The document is focusing on policy advice and EU instruments aimed at Western Balkans countries in their further stabilisation, economic and political development, and moving closer to the EU. The Commission supports the efforts of the Western Balkan countries for reform and regional cooperation mainly through its Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. It has taken a new initiative in the area of donor coordination, involving the international financial institutions and bilateral donors. This ...
... will be offered as an opportunity not only for SEEU students but also for other young people (18-30 years) in the Pollog region. Source: SEEU website On February 28, 2008, SEEU and FOSIM ("Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia") signed a contract marking the launch of the joint pilot project "Business Incubator in Tetovo", FYR of Macedonia ...
... to join; and with Serbia and Albania in particular. Europa RAPID Press Release IP/08/367, 03/03/2008 Montenegro is the fourth country of the group of candidate and potential candidate countries to join the EU's Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) after Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in October 2007 and Turkey in February 2008 ...
Please find enclosed all deliverables of the project Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of Renewable Energy Sources in Western Balkans, under the Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 6, Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems. The project ran from January 2005 to December 2007. Deliverables of the project Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of Renewable Energy Sources in Western Balkans (FP6): (13.03.2008) Virtual Balkan Power Centre for Advance of ...
... the region in order to gradually advance towards visa liberalisation. This would enable the Council and the Commission to closely monitor progress in necessary reforms. Visa facilitation and readmission agreements Visa facilitation and readmission agreements were signed between the EU and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia on 18/9/2007 and entered into force on 1/1/2008. The visa facilitation agreements will make it easier to issue short-term visas for citizens of the Western Balkan countries and introduce a reduced fee of 35 for visa applications. The agreements set time-limits for issuing ...
... window): academic year 2007-08: the Decision adopted on 14.12.2006 (CARDS 2006, EUR 4 million) covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo.academic year 2008-09: the Decision adopted on 5.11.2007 (IPA 2007, EUR 4 million) extended eligibility to Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Exchanges of up to 500 undergraduate and graduate students, doctoral and post-doctoral candidates and academic staff between the EU and the Western Balkans countries were decided (as part of a wider scholarship initiative, the Erasmus Mundus - External cooperation window). academic year 2008-09: the Decision was adopted on 5.11.2007 ...
Please find attached the press release text in order to inform about our initiatives in your networks. It would be great if you could inform us briefly about your communications: Elke Dall Project coordinator WBC-INCO.NET c/o Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Vienna. Austria. Many thanks in advance! We would like to ask our readers - YOU! - to also inform on their websites and in their networks on the start of WBC-INCO.NET project. In our press release we ...
... psychology, public administration, philosophy, social work, sociology, public health, human rights & public law, or journalism/media studies. The program does not support scholars in philology, the visual and performing arts, or business. The program may operate in: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo/UNMIK, Kyrgyzstan, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan and Ukraine. AFP fellows are placed in carefully selected university departments that are amenable to change and demonstrate a realistic and clear vision for future development. The program, which represents part of a conscious strategy to combat rain drain, helps universities in the ...
... one of the most diverse and complex transnational co-operation areas in Europe. It is the only transnational programme area with such a large number of non-EU countries participating (candidates, potential candidates and third countries). The eligible area for TCP-SEE comprises Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, parts of Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Moldova and parts of Ukraine. The operational programme can be found in the document service of at (registration is for free). For further information also see the webpage of the ...
... Vitae and a summary describing the student's dissertation (maximum 5 pages including references and any figures, tables, etc.). Further information: Source: information from the organisers A summer school on technology enhanced learning (TEL) will be held in Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, June 15 to 21, 2008. Scholarships for students from Westbalkan countries are available and a call for applications is currently open ...
... The EC has recently launched the Enterprise Europe Network, which is an EU-wide support network for enterprises. The network is made up of over 500 contact points engaging 4,000 members of staff and includes all EU countries as well as additional third countries. Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and FYR of Macedonia have also managed to get a successful bid in the new Enterprise Europe Network, which replaces the old EICC/IRC network ...
Find enclosed the Minutes of the Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries which took place on 29 October, 2007 in Thessaloniki Greece.
Conference organiser were the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and the Greek Ministry of Development. Minutes of the Steering Plattform Meeting on Research for the Westn Balkan Countries in Thessaloniki, 2008 ZSI