Un/Sicherheit und In/Stabilität des "Westlichen Balkan"

This report (in German language) deals with "In/Security and In/Stability in the Western Balkans".

For Henriette Riegler of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, insecurity and instability in the WBC is mainly due to two factors: "weak statehood and disputed state borders" on the one hand, and "mafia-like statehood and transnational mafia" on the other hand.

After describing the overall political situation in the WBC following the wars of the 1990s, Riegler goes on reporting the particularities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYRoM, Montenegro and Serbia a well as Kosovo/UNMIK.

The last chapters of the report focusses on recent developments in 2008 and the current state of NATO and EU integration.


Henriette Riegler, Un/Sicherheit und In/Stabilität des "Westlichen Balkan" (=OIIP Arbeitspapier 59), Vienna 2008, available online at: http://www.oiip.at/magazin/00/artikel/67590/doc/d/AP%2059%20Westlicher%20Balkan.pdf



Publication Year




Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 9, 2009
Modified on February 9, 2009