Smart Cities and Communities Stakeholder Platform

The Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform is about promoting innovation. It aims to accelerate the development and market deployment of energy efficiency and low-carbon technology applications in the urban environment. The Platform supports the EU towards its goal of an 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and the Europe’s primary energy technology policy, the SET-Plan. 
The main focus: technology integration for European cities. Emphasis will be on their integration, which is a key challenge for all SET-Plan technologies, and particularly for Smart Cities’ technologies
To achieve its goal, the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform will set up five groups: three thematic expert (technical) Working Groups (energy supply networks; energy efficiency in buildings; mobility and transport) and two horizontal Coordination Groups (Finance; Roadmap). 
The main stakeholders will be technical experts, allowing the platform to draw in expertise from those experts who are directly involved with developing, testing and demonstrating new technologies. Working Groups operate using a bottom-up approach and the overall themes will be fine-tuned by participants based on guidance and the framework provided by the Chairs. 
Working Groups will not draw up policy recommendations on general strategic issues such as funding envelopes, regulatory moves; this is done elsewhere, such as within the EU’s decision-making machinery, funding institutions or the Covenant of Mayors’ framework.

How can I get involved?

One of the guiding principles of the Platform is openness. Anyone can join the Platform and submit relevant content - perhaps a best practice or news from their home city's project, an idea for a networking session or a description of an innovative technical solution.

Commenting on existing content is also a good way of raising your profile, and publishing a public profile is essential: let people know who you are, what you're interested in and what you have to offer!

Another principle, however, will be quality. The authors of the best submissions, for example, may be invited to input their ideas into a Working Group’s recommendation for EU policy, or to present them at the next conference.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on August 27, 2012
Modified on August 27, 2012