News archive - FP7 Topic Highlight: Smart Cities and Communities
On July 10, 2012, the European Commission launched the Smart Cities and Communities European Innovation Partnership. The partnership proposes to pool resources to support the demonstration of energy, transport and information and communication technologies (ICT) in urban areas. The energy, transport and ICT industries are invited to work together with cities to combine their technologies to address cities' needs. This will enable innovative, integrated and efficient technologies to roll out and enter the market more easily, while placing cities at the centre of innovation. The funding will be awarded through yearly calls for proposals: €365 million for 2013.
Smart Cities and Communities (FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013)
This call is focused on the support of the Smart Cities and Communities initiative
Deadline: 4 December 2012 at 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
Indicative budget: EUR 114 million from the Theme Energy and EUR 95 million from the Theme ICT
Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy [COM/2010/639]
<a data-cke-saved-href="" href="" _cke_saved_href="" target="_blank" title="" investing="Investing" in="in" the="the" development="Development" of="of" low="Low" carbon="Carbon" technologies="Technologies" (set-plan)"="(SET-Plan)" "="" [com(2009)="[COM(2009)" 519]"="519]">Smart Cities and Communities Initiative (closed 13/05/2011)
- Conference
Smart Cities and Communities Communication Launch Conference on 10 July 2012
Smart Cities and Communities Initiative launch conference held on 21 June 2011 - Call for tenders
- Call for proposals
Smart Cities and Communities
[38 KB]
The Smart Cities and Communities Initiative was launched in 2011. In the first year (2012), € 81 Million has been earmarked for this initiative, covering only two sectors: transport and energy. Demonstration projects financed under the scheme can be in either one of the two sectors - rather than the two combined.
Starting from 2013, the budget has been increased from € 81 Million to € 365 Million, covering three areas instead of two: energy, transport and ICT. In addition, each and every demonstration project financed under the scheme must combine all the three sectors. Pooling the sources together also means using synergies.
With this Smart Cities Partnership, the EU will help to establish strategic partnerships between those industries and European cities to develop and roll out the urban systems and infrastructures of tomorrow.
A High level group consisting of CEOs from R&D-intensive industries, city mayors, regulatory authorities and public financing institutions will be set up to support the successful implementation of this innovation partnership.
Further information
The Smart cities communication can be consulted here:
- DG Energy web page on Smart Cities:
- DG Transport and mobility web page on Urban Mobility:
- DG CONNECT web page on Smart Cities:
In the WBC-INCO.NET Calls section ( we provide information and links on all open calls, including those in FP7. ALL CALLS and ALL TOPICS are open for participation of researchers from the Western Balkans. Nevertheless, in our news area we would like to higlight some topics which are of specific relevance to the region. Don't miss the particular chances of participation!
- Europe
- European Union (EU 27)
- International; Other
- Engineering and Technology
- Natural Sciences
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on August 27, 2012
Modified on September 5, 2013