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On this page you will find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports will be provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Belgrade on June 24, 2010. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available yet because further reports ...
... of propositions for promotion activities for the second year. The following universities are currently supported by this programme: ALBANIA: Polytechnic University of Tirana; Fan S. Noli University BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: University of Sarajevo FYR OF MACEDONIA: South East European University - Office of International Relations; University Goce Delcev Stip MONTENEGRO: University of Montenegro SERBIA: University of Belgrade; University of Novi Sad; University of Kragujevac Click here to read more about their activities. Source: KBF website, as accessed on March 9, 2010. The King Baudouin Foundation offers grants of annually 10.000€ to five universities in the Western Balkans to organise activities ...
Depending on the nature of their research projects, candidates can choose among the following host institutes and laboratories: International Centre for Theoretical Physics ABDUS SALAM (ICTP);   International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA); Synchrotron ELETTRA;   Cluster in Biomedicine (CBM); International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB).  Complete applications must be sent via e-mail to the following address: by 31 May ...
To be eligible, departments must be at universities in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, or Ukraine. An ideal AFP partner department is part of a classical state university and is in one of the following disciplines: anthropology, area/cultural studies, economics, gender studies, history, human rights & public law, international relations, journalism/media studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, public policy/environmental studies, public ...
72% Agency for Environmental Protection of Serbia Organisation 2. Mar. 2010
Agency for Environmental Protection, a body within the Ministry of Energy, Development and the Environment, as a legal entity, performs professional tasks pertaining to: Development, coordination and management of the national information system for environmental protection (condition monitoring of environmental indicators in environmental registry pollutants, etc..) The implementation of the national monitoring air and water quality, including the implementation of the prescribed and agreed ...
The CITSEE project is a research project based at the University of Edinburgh. It studies the citizenship regimes of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). After first nine months, the CITSEE researchers have produced six working papers dealing with citizenship regimes and policies in the former Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states. They are all available for download on the CITSEE website.  The following working papers are available (please go to the CITSEE ...
The EC has published a booklet highlighting Marie Curie success stories, which presents detailed case studies illustrating projects funded through the People Specific programme of FP7. The 350 page document, entitled ‘Marie Curie Actions: Inspiring Researchers’ gives details of achievements in a number of areas, including the fostering of collaboration, seeding careers, ‘brain gain’ and science communication. It also looks at worldwide research, the work done to help ...
... and deal with specific issues at stake. The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) Western Balkans launched in 2007 and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in the area of social sciences in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. For this purpose funding is provided for research projects conducted by researchers from the region. WBC Participation Among the WBC countries, only researchers from Serbia are eligible to apply for this call. Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area: Social Sciences Call for Research Proposals from Serbia ...
28% Research Infrastructure in the Field of Agriculture Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade, Zemun, Serbia Mr Zoran Marković, Ms Radmila Stinkić +381 11 316 8499; +381 11 2615315 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, has been operating in the general area of agriculture for more than two and ...
28% Nanoscience Research Infrastructure Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Physics Studentski trg 12, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia Mr Milan Damnjanovic, Professor +381 11 630152 Faculty of Physicsat the University of Belgrade is an institution several decades old, and is active ...
28% Infrastructure for Research in the Field of Food Technology Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
Institute for Food Technology Novi Sad Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia Ms Jovanka Lević +381 21 485 3845 Institute for Food Technology in Novi Sad has been active for more than 25 years. It is a research organization, supported mostly by public partnership ...
28% Geochemical Characterization of Solid Pollutant Material Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology Djusina 7, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia Mr. Vladica Cvetković +381 11 3219101 Faculty of Mining and Geology is an educational and scientific institution within the University of Belgrade. It educates professionals in undergraduate, specialist, master's ...
... be represented by an expert who is known for his/her contributions to the field. The membership is expected to be active. The CLARIN Consortium includes partners from 22 European countries, including Croatia. The CLARIN network has members in 32 EU countries, including Western Balkan countries such as Croatia and Serbia. Although the CLARIN research infrastructure specifically addresses the Social Sciences and Humanities research community a number of commercial companies have asked whether they could participate in collaborative initiatives. As one of CLARIN's leading principles is that all languages are equally important and that porting of knowledge and expertise between languages ...
28% GMP in Pharma Industry Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Belgrade, Chemical Engineering Karnegieva 4, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia Mr Branko Bugarski, Head of Pharmaceutical Departmant +381 11 3370 472 ABOUT Chemical engineering department at the University of Belgrade has been operating for almost two decades, with main objectives ...
28% Center for Integrated Microsystems and Components Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia Mr Goran Stojanović +381 21 4852552 Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad is active in the field of micro and nano-electronic materials characterization for more than a decade. Research infrastructure, which presently exists at ...
Institute for Medical Research Dr Subotica 4, POBox 102, 11129 Belgrade, Serbia Mr Pavle Milenković +381 11 685788 Institute for medical research has been operating for more than two and a half decades. It is a public research institution, supported mostly by public partnership. It is ...
... to provide effective means to improve the EARLINET infrastructure through a comprehensive and organized flow of information both between the participants and between the participants and the external scientific and general community. COOPERATION Partners on EARLINET-ASOS are coming from Germany, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Belarus, Norway, Switzerland, Poland, Bulgaria, France and Serbia. External users can use the EARLINET-ASOS data and expertise of the EARLINET-ASOS consortium for developing lidar technologies. Choice of EARLINET-ASOS is do not involve a particular private company in the consortium but to offer to all the existing companies knowledge and expertise. Private companies involved in lidar technologies are users ...
... networks of multi-functional long-term ecosystem research platforms to support interdisciplinary investigation of long term processes related to the different components of biodiversity at relevant spatial and temporal scales in Europe. The cooperation is possible through global network ILTER. Their main partners of cooperation from SEE region are Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Other WBC are invited to join ILTER network in order to complete distributed European research infrastructure. The long-term ecosystem site „Zöbelboden“ is master site of the Multifunctional Research Platform (MFRP) “Eisenwurzen”. It’s multi-scale and multi-site approach follows the basic concept of the Network of Excellence ALTER-Net (FP6) which aims ...
... Centre sponsors a number of initiatives, including an Associates Programme, to provide research and training opportunities in physical sciences. Researchers from WBC are also active participants in these initiatives. In 2007 there were visits of researchers from the following WBC countries: Albania (5), Croatia (39), FYR Macedonia (4), Montenegro (1), Serbia (19). ICTP is targeting also new groups of researchers in particular partners that can develop local research infrastructures and that can support regional research and education activities. ICTP is planning to create similar regional centres in Western Balkan countries. They also have plans for the development of joint projects with ...
28% Information and Communication Technologies, S&T policy, Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
Institute Mihailo Pupin Volgina 15, 11 060 Belgrade, Serbia Prof Dr Djuro Kutlaca +381 11 2771 398 ABOUT Institute Mihailo Pupin (IMP) R&D profile presents a synthesis of scientific and expert knowledge across a wide spectrum of disciplines: electronics, automation, computer science, telecommunications, information systems, and software engineering. Because ...
28% Research Facilities for Microscopy Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology Studentski trg 3, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia Mr Pavle Andjus +381 11 3032356 Faculty of Biology at the University of Belgrade has been operating in the field of neuroscience and physiology for almost a decade ...
... series of consultation meetings by the Commission to shape the content of the Danube Strategy as requested by the European Council. High-level representatives included Commissioner Paweł Samecki, Rosen Plevneliev, Minister for Regional Development and Public Works in Bulgaria, Environment Minister László Borbély from Romania, Bozidar Djelic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, as well as ministers from Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria in Germany. Common Challenges in the Danube Basin In his opening speech, Commissioner Samecki identified three specific issues that all countries in the Danube Basin would have to address jointly: major economic and social disparities which persist from pre-1990 times, environmental issues ...
Country Focus New Member States NMS (Bulgaria and Romania); FP7 Associated Countries FP7 AC (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland); EU Candidate Countries CC (Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Turkey); Potential Candidate Countries PCC (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as the European Neighbourhood Policy Partner Countries ENPPC on an ad hoc basis. The JRC Enlargement and Integration Action is promoting training, mobility and joint projects addressing specific needs of these countries and regions and includes temporary postings to JRC Institutes. Focus is on complex scientific and technical ...
30% Mapping of European Networks on Energy Document 16. Feb. 2010
This document, prepared by the EU Framework Programmes National Coordination Office, the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, is a directory of networks in the field of energy, such as Technology Platforms, PPPs, associations and NCPs. The Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey, Ankara 2009. TÜBITAK.
85% Serbia – A Rising Star in Science News 15. Feb. 2010
Serbia has achieved "Rising Star" status in multiple fields. The full list of countries named as Rising Stars is given in the following table:   Country Field TUNISIA Agricultural Sciences SERBIA  Biology & Biochemistry SERBIA Chemistry SERBIA Clinical Medicine SERBIA Computer Science LITHUANIA Economics & Business SERBIA Engineering INDONESIA Environment/Ecology REUNION Geosciences BULGARIA Immunology SERBIA Materials Science SERBIA Mathematics IRAN Microbiology VIETNAM Molecular Biology & Genetics CAMEROON Multidisciplinary SERBIA Neuroscience & Behavior SERBIA Pharmacology & Toxicology SERBIA Physics MADAGASCAR Plant & Animal Science LEBANON Psychiatry/Psychology IRAN Social Sciences, general BOLIVIA Space Science   It appears that this is not a breaking news. Serbian researchers contributed to the country status of the rising star in the field of chemistry since the beginning 2008 - in all reports ...
... The Commission will propose an Action Plan and a governance system to be formally adopted by Member States in early 2011. At present, the countries mainly concerned will be those covered by the Danube Cooperation Process: Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (the regions along the Danube). Sources: EU calendar, Inforegio. On February 1 and 2, 2010, a first stakeholder event is taking place in Ulm (Germany), marking the launch of the consultation process to draw up the first ...
The Programme for the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union gives an overview on the focusses and planned activities of the Spanish EU presidency (January 1 to June 30, 2010).  It also tackles issues concerning the Western Balkan Countries, e.g. stating that "the Spanish Presidency will firmly support the continuity of the EU enlargement process, according to the renewed consensus defined by the European Council in December 2006. Croatia’s accession ...
... as well". Furthermore, the Spanish presidency plans to "continue working for the stabilisation and consolidation of the EU perspective on the Western Balkans, using all the instruments available to that end, particularly, the Stabilisation and Association Process. Within this framework, the continued process of integration of Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina will be supported. On occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Zagreb Summit, a ministerial meeting will be proposed to analyse the progress made in the Stabilisation and Association Process and to forward the European region perspective." The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union ...
... nbsp;        Coffee break 11:00-12:30          Concluding panel discussions on the socio-economic and institutional development of the Danube region National Contact Points of Germany, Austria, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine; 12:30-13:00          Closing Plenary Session and Conclusions (EN/HU Interpretation) Mr Péter Balázs, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary Mr Tamás Németh, General Secretary of the Hungarian Academy ...
28% BalkanIDEA Novi Sad Organisation 26. Jan. 2010
... Europe for the first time apply to their projects directly to the European Commission and to access funds of Youth. In addition, BalkanIDEA organized numerous youth exchanges and implemented support for the volunteers who go out of our country to volunteer abroad, but also those who come to volunteer in Serbia and thus contributed to the increasing mobility of hundreds of young people. Further Information: ...
"This year’s Global Competitiveness Report is published against the backdrop of the deepest global economic slowdown in generations.What began as a financial crisis in a handful of industrialized economies continues to spill over into the real economy, engendering massive contractions in consumer demand, rising unemployment, and mounting protectionist pressures worldwide. (..) In a difficult global economic environment, it is more important than ever for countries to put into place ...
... html In cooperation with ZSI in Vienna, the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia). The call is open until February 23, 2010 (date of postmark ...
According to DG Research, 68 proposals were submitted, thereof two ineligible. 36 proposals were above all thresholds; six projects were selected for the short list and three on a reserve list. All of these nine successful proposals originate from Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and the FYRo Macedonia. Coverage of scientific topics by the successful proposals is wide, ranging from translational medicine and space science to nano-electronics, food research, agricultural science and particle physics. We will keep you updated with further information on the call results.   The "FP7 Call for ...
30% Summit Economic Forum 2009 - Final Report Document 15. Jan. 2010
This is the Final Report of the Summit Economic Forum (SEF) 2009 which took place in Bucharest on November 12, 2009 under the leading theme "The Way Ahead: Towards a Better Future." It was coorganised by the Secretariat for CEI Projects (CEI-PS) and by the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Ministry of SMEs, Trade and Business Environment. The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) also collaborated in the organisation ...
... to Serbia has been published and widely disseminated by network members, Basileus central in Gent University, Belgium and their partners in Serbian universities, and two student associations – for support in student exchange programs.   EURAXESS Serbia put a lot of efforts in promoting the values and pillars of researchers mobility in ...
... Taxation and financial matters Strengthening the technological capacity of small enterprises Successful e-business models and top class business support Developing stronger, more effective representation of small enterprises Launched in Brussels on 17 June 2009, this report covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99. Availablity The report consists of six parts which are available online at,3343,en_2649_40340912_43220337_1_1_1_1,00.html. To order your personal hard copy, please contact   The full text of the SME charter ...
... consists of a joint grant facility and a joint lending facility to finance priority projects in the Western Balkans. The joint grant facility will contribute to financing the preparation and implementation of priority projects in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia. Good preparation and a strong implementation framework are essential for projects to receive loan financing and to successfully contribute to economic growth in the Western Balkans in the context of the accession process. The European Commission has so far allocated some €110 million to support the financing of municipal ...
... doc1209_en.htm The EU and Montenegro signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enable beneficiaries from Montenegro to participate from 2010 onwards in the Culture Programme 2007-2013. Montenegro becomes the third country from the Western Balkans to participate in the programme, Croatia joined in 2007 and Serbia joined in 2008 ...
This CEI Plan of Action (PoA) covers a three-year period (2010 to 2012). Since it was adopted for the first time in 1998, the CEI Plan of Action has guided the thinking and the course of the organization over the past years, as crucial initiatives, activities and projects evolved. It was felt essential to integrate the evolving process within the larger process of development. Therefore, since its inception, the CEI PoA has incorporated priorities from a development perspective, taking into ...
This document describes the rules of and criteria for funding by the CEI Funding of Cooperation Activities. Central European Initiative: CEI Funding of Cooperation Activities Rules for Allocation of Resources, 2009. CEI
... studies and biological control methods Status, ecology and land tenure system of the critically endangered Balkan lynx Lynx lynx martinoi in Macedonia and Albania Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy - specific and common molecular pathways Metal transport and ore deposition: The geology, geochemistry and geodynamic setting of mineral resources in Serbia, Macedonia and Bulgaria Serbia: Modern optics and spectroscopy: from research to education Uroepithelial tumors in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy - specific and common molecular pathways Alkaline and alkaline-earth alumosilicate materials as perspective ceramic materials for industrial applications Decision Procedures: from Formalizations to Applications   Source and further information: ...
The European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF) was established in September 2007, based on a joint initiative of the European Commission and the 27 EU Member States. Its plenary of 65 members from 32 countries includes independent representatives from industry, public and private end-users, research establishments and universities, as well as non-governmental organisations and EU bodies. ESRIF was supported by more than 600 experts, thus making it the only large-scale, high level ...
... and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia ...
... Direct Investment; and participation in EUROCHAMBRES' Academies. The closing event im Brussels was inaugurated by Pierre Mirel, Director at the European Commission-DG Enlargement, and included contributions from the Ambassadors to the EU of the six beneficiary countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). EU and the WBC: Intensified Cooperation Needed The results of the EUROCHAMBRES survey on obstacles to investing in the Western Balkans were also presented at the meeting. One of it's main fidings is that while the climate for Foreign Direct Investments in the Western Balkans receives an increasingly positive ...
72% Institut for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia Organisation 15. Dec. 2009
72% Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia Organisation 14. Dec. 2009
... for national authorities on how to advance towards integration of establishing stronger platform among national systems. Out of invited 14 experts from 7 beneficiary states, 9 experts attended the workshop, 1 from Croatia, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (one from Republika Srpska and one from Federation of BIH), 2 from Serbia, 1 from Kosovo, 1 from Macedonia and 2 from Albania, however 12 of the invited experts were involved in writing the country reports. Out of 9 workshop experts, 5 are coming from universities, 2 from ministries of sciences and 2 from research institutes. As revealed by the reports and reinforced ...
... particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The approach is based on leveraging innovation in response to growing societal demands. The programme is open to all legal entities established in the EU Member States and associated countries to the ICT Policy Support programme (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Turkey, and starting from 2010 Serbia). Please click here for further information on the upcoming call. An information day will take place in Brussels on January 14, 2010 (see below). Source:, as accessed on December 4, 2009. A Memorandum of Understanding for the participation of Serbia in ...
The Handbook “How to turn your ideas into European projects” is a guide on the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). It was prepared in the frame of the EU-Balkan FABNET project, a Specific Support Action financed under the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) which was funded by the EC under FP6 (contract No. 043119) and coordinated by ETAT S.A. The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in ...
Manuali “Si të ktheni idetë tuaja në Projekte Evropiane” është një udhëzues i Programit Kuadër 7 për Kërkim dhe Zhvillim (FP7). Ai është përgatitur në kuadrin e Projektit EUBalkan FABNET, një Veprim me Mbështetje të Veçantë, i financuar nga Programi Kuadër 6 (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide provides the ...
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