News archive - WBC-INCO.NET Training: [Event announcement] Successful participation in Framework Programme 7 (FP7)

As part of its activities in the WBC-INCO.NET project,  SBRA is organising a training seminar on successful participation in FP7 on November 19, 2010 in Skopje. In line with the terms of reference, the workshop is to be freely offered to representatives of business, academic institutions, local communities, and NGOs, from countries of South Eastern Europe. 

 Training Workshop on


»Successful participation in Framework Programme 7 (FP7)«


Skopje,  Friday 19 November 2010

As part of its activities in the WBC-INCO.NET project,  SBRA is organising in the month of November a training seminar on successful participation in FP7. In line with the terms of reference, the workshop is to be freely offered to representatives of business, academic institutions, local communities, and NGOs, from countries of South Eastern Europe – beneficiaries of the EU-funded project mentioned above.


The event is co-organized by ECPD Regional Institute for development studies in Skopje, and the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, which is also hosting the event at its premises in Skopje at Dimitrije Čupovski 13. The working language will be English. As organisers, we recommend that primarily people with solid command of English language take part in the workshop for the sake of terminology which they need to be able to prepare a successful project submission.

Draft Agenda:


09.00  Registration

10.00  Welcome speech by President of Economic Chamber of Macedonia

10.10  Introduction by Prof.dr.Boris Cizelj

10.30  Briefing on how to participate successfully in Framework Programme 7

            Mrs.Maja Ferlinc, Economic Advisor, SBRA

11.10  Coffee break

11.30   Lessons learnt – Observations and comments by Ministry of Education and Science, Rep.of Macedonia (FYRoM), Mrs.Marina Nikolovska, JRC and Health NCP for Macedonia

Presentation of experience in FP7 projects – Ilina Hristova, RR&Co

Presentations of good practice case: Mrs.Kristina Jakimovska, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering, University of Skopje

12.15    Questions and answers

12.45    Closing remarks by panelists

13.00   Networking buffet lunch and close of the Workshop


All interested are kindly invited to register with attached form, to be returned to . Registrations will be confirmed on a first/come/first/served basis.

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
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Entry created by Bostjan Sinkovec on November 15, 2010
Modified on November 16, 2010